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New Inventory (Made one as an example, have a look)

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The current inventory in DayZ looks and functions how it should in the Arma game alone, the functions needed in DayZ kind of disobey it's rules therefore there are few bug that are occurring. Also many new players find it hard to manage their items especially when it comes to the bag pack part.

This is a simple example of what a new Inventory could look like if it is possible to implement that in to the MOD or possibly to the standalone game in future. This is meant to show how the bag is separated from the inventory so that the bag is another inventory rather than an item within a list of items that when used shows another list. If there were any other interfaces, they too should have similar theme and style.

Please bare in mind that this is only a suggestion and I am aware that many things including this may not be implemented in the MOD but the previously mentioned standalone game.



-The slots' size and count is to be discussed

-Slots below the Weapon slots are possible upgrades such as scopes, silencers or extended mags (This was mentioned in

interview with Rocket)

-The Bag slot would automatically land in this slot rather than the inventory

-The Inventory would act as a place for all the in-game usable items such as Road Flare

-The Bag Inventory would have less or more slots depending on which bag the player is wearing

-The buttons on the bottom could be removed if item dragging was also implemented in this interface


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Can't give enough beans to this. Not sure if Rockett would be able to implement something like this though as the UI is sort of BIS's domain.

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Wow, this inventory looks great. Hopefully there's a way to replace the ARMA 2 inventory and something like this can be used.

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Thanks and as I said if not in the MOD which is very unlikely, then in the standalone game which shouldn't be hard.

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Though I would prefer the whole "MMO" drag and drop type of inventory with maybe a trade function instead of looting off of backpacks, right now I wouldn't put it high on the priority list

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In my opinion speedy zombies are the number one priority right now but the Arma inventory in DayZ is bugging me a lot and i would put the inventory on on the "right after speedy zombies" list :D unfortunately it is unlikely that it will be implemented in the MOD.

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I think this is Arma2 engine issue, not DayZ mod

As I said I am aware of this and I highly doubt that it will be even though about in this stage but it can be quite easily developed in the stand alone game which is quite possible in future

Edited by Saurey

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Not sure if he will/could do it...

I know its possible...

Just look at the A.C.E. mod...

Inventory is changed there quite a bit...

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Thats not bad... the GUI visual design is good.

I just wonder what it would default back to with no bag... or something small like a vest thats a 6 slot.

(suggest grey out so it doesn't look broken when 6)

Tool tip I still think should hover over what ever item your on though.

There seems to be too much of a disconnect between far icons from the tooltip box. (eye doesn't travel that far)

Also there doesn't seem to bey any space to show gun img/info... unless the tool tip has a scroll.

Overall however a great idea though.

Great Job!

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Amazing, I was hoping rocket did something like this and it would be awesome if he did.

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Looks fancy. I would love to see it implemented.

Can't only find a space for accessories as compass, watch, knife, etc.

EDIT: Also, would be background be transparent? 'Cause it's essencial to be able to see the character while in the inventory. You never know when a zombie or even a player will pop up in front of you.

Edited by Applay

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honestly i like the actual inventory..

i'd like the dragging system

the bag slot is a good idea

with your system, the ''open bag'' thing would remain? because it's pretty cool for me

i think this isn't properly a priority...but i'm sure it will kept under serious analisis

nice picture

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I'm in 2 minds about transparency.


If you were rumiging through your pack looking for something head down in rl, would you really notice anything lurking in front of you?

On the other hand I do see the importantance of still being aware of what's going on around u.

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Even with the current engine, I think this should be possible, might take a lot of time and work tough.

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I don't see a reason why this (or something similar) couldn't be implemented in the mod. ACE is a mod for Arma 2 that does something similar in that it shows the player's inventory and backpack at the same time, making item movement MUCH easier. That is a mod that did it, why couldn't DayZ do it?

(if the mod responsible for this is not ACE then pardon me, I assume it is ACE from having watched CHKilroy's videos :D)

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this could be done via modding, I think it's more a case that the current inventory system is suffice and it's perhaps not worth the effort it would require to change it all when this is the sort of thing that will be more accessible for a stand-a-lone game.

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That's a very nice mockup. Inventory definitely needs to show all possible inventory slots in one screen, and get rid of the text inventory.

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two things

1) Rocket has already said he is making a new inventory

2) it is perfectly possible to mod the ARMA UI, play ACE ffs

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two things

1) Rocket has already said he is making a new inventory

2) it is perfectly possible to mod the ARMA UI, play ACE ffs

could u provide me with the source of number 1? like a video or something, thanks

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