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Alby (DayZ)

Teleport Hack, LA11, ~7:50PM PST

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I was playing with my friend on LA11 about 10 minutes ago. Everyone in the server was teleported to a rooftop in Stary near some players with a helicopter. In addition to being teleported, my inventory had been manipulated. All of our weapons (and soon after, hatchets) were taken away as well as all of our other items. Please fix this vulnerability and hopefully also please consider restoring player inventories on the server from before the exploit was launched. Thanks.

Edited by Alby

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No, if you lost your gear suck it up, they aren't rolling back the hive. This invulnerability will be fixed when Rocket and the team blast off into standalone, you win some you lose some.

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No, if you lost your gear suck it up, they aren't rolling back the hive. This invulnerability will be fixed when Rocket and the team blast off into standalone, you win some you lose some.

Nice non-productive response. 'Invulnerability' when I clearly said vulnerability? You seem pretty pleased with yourself. If I were a DayZ admin I'd log your IP and compare it to instances where these servers got hacked. :emptycan:

Anyone want to address the issue of a game-ruining hack being actively used on multiple servers? This needs to be fixed. Hackers shouldn't be able to join any server they want and teleport everyone to their location, period. I don't care about my gear but I figured I'd ask for it back. Funny thing is I connected to a server and while I have my gear back, I'm on top of a building. Can I at least get teleported down?

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Nice non-productive response. 'Invulnerability' when I clearly said vulnerability? You seem pretty pleased with yourself. If I were a DayZ admin I'd log your IP and compare it to instances where these servers got hacked.

My lack of caring has bested me this time, vulnerability I meant to say.

I do not condone hacking, but I have died 5 times within the last 4 days to hackers; I didn't whine to Rocket for a db rollback, I took it like a man playing a MOD in alpha and moved on, he has better things to do than worry about kids who have no idea how anything works.

Edited by Tricky-

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Guess what Tricky? I'm reporting a cheater and it's kind of important to mention relevant facts in your cheat report about what happened including the facts that my inventory was removed, and that I was teleported at the same time as many other players. There is literally no whining in my thread at all. Maybe instead of accusing me of whining about gear, you should take a look at all the other newly posted threads in the Cheat Reporting section that talk about random mass teleportation? Clearly YOU are the one who has no idea how anything works.

Thanks so much for your input, looks like your lack of caring bested you again. :emptycan: Better luck next time.

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