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Possible end-game objective

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Not that it needs one, but how about this for a possible end-game objective for DayZ:

- Collect numerous and very rare aeroplane components scattered far and wide around Chernarus, take them to the NW airfield to repair said inoperative aeroplane, and fly into the sunset to safety.

Not at all original I know but certainly feasible.

To get all the components to that location would take teamwork and planning.

Achieving this airborne goal would reward you with a unique 'Escaped' point for your player stats.

Perhaps those escaping in planes can drop supplies via parachute to survivors in need. Hmm...


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I like objectives, just not END-GAME objectives. Like, if you find a radio, it can tell you that a random area somewhere on the map has good loot, except there's lots of zombies there (more then average).

Or perhaps finding notes on zombies bodies/houses that say they left a burried supply of guns and food somewhere. Or more importantly, very rare items. Once the 'note' is aquired, then that loot is then spawned in said area, and pretty much goes up for grabs to anyone, so it becomes a race against time.

I also like the idea of random objectives being found, that could end with you getting a vehicle or helicopter.

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The only Endgame should be "You are dead"

Everything else, please don't.

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The end-game objective is to find a can of Mountain Dew. ;)

I can stop now? Finally! Sleep!

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Yes, the concept of radio transmissions instructing survivors to reach certain areas of the map (within varying time limits) to gain access to high-grade supplies/weapons would be ideal for gameplay, and would keep players focused on specific goals and working closely together to achieve them.

Some 'missions' would require a set number of survivors to be present at the objective's location and thus further reinforce teamwork.

Example missions:


Radio: 'A vehicle drop has landed just SW of Dubrovka. Rally together four survivors and bring fuel and a wheel. Over.'

Radio: 'A medical supply crate has dropped somewhere over the town of Zelenogorsk. You'd better be quick before the zombies tear into it. I'd say you've got about 40 minutes. Take care out there, and godspeed.'

These are just a few ideas. The types of missions possible are endless. :)

What do you think?

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Endgame is to repair a chopper, have a car ready, a tent filled with goodies (and not found!) and basic needs being easy to get.

That's endgame.

(also GPS and NVG)

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Example missions:


Radio: 'A vehicle drop has landed just SW of Dubrovka. Rally together four survivors and bring fuel and a wheel. Over.'

Radio: 'A medical supply crate has dropped somewhere over the town of Zelenogorsk. You'd better be quick before the zombies tear into it. I'd say you've got about 40 minutes. Take care out there' date=' and godspeed.'

These are just a few ideas. The types of missions possible are endless. :)

What do you think?


This is a great idea. Don't really like the idea of an end game objective, but the possibility of finding intelligence on rare loot and supplies gives those craving direction something to go for. Could be something like a cryptic map, some strange coordinates or as Drekinn stated a radio message, garbled and distorted to add a bit of confusion, but clear enough for people to figure out.

I saw a couple of posts on here regarding the replay value of this mod and having these mini optional objectives would give DayZ that extra bit of variety for the more adventurous survivor or those simply bored of slaying zombies and players.

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End game objectives would be a bad idéa.

Also don't like the idéa of objectives forcing people to use teamwork. Make teamwork required by the amount of z's, not some kind of reward for being able to stack 4 people togther and walking to a location.

Better to incase the objective area with z's, then doing it alone would be almost impossible.

In regards of objectives, the random notes/radio calls and stuff, pointing to a loot rich area, and possible even to working, or semi working vehicles, would be awesome.

Something like notes, that only the person reading it gets the objective, also less rewarding maybe. And radio objectives that people in a set radius hear, to make some competing objectives, but with better rewards, teamwork would have the obvious benefit of more people. Being alone makes you travel faster, but you also pack very low firepower if you end up having to fight for the loot.

Ignoring the objective could also be a good way not to get wacked

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A lot of these are great ideas, personaly fixing up a heli and flying the hell out of there is very Day of the DEad

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i'm against some end game objectives. i guess it should become little wars among improvised players factions who builded up camps and so on.

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In response to objectives...you people never read mah treds Q__Q


I pretty much said the exact same thing :(((

Edit: Also no end game objectives; please I really don't see the point. If you fly off in a plane, then what? You just start over again or if its a server-wide event EVERYONE has to restart even if they've only played for an hour.

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No end-game objectives!!! No end-game at all other than death!!!

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The problem with any kind of end game, is that players are so HARDCORE and ORGANISED that it will take them a very short amount of time to complete, thus nullifiing the whole ''end game'' thing.

You've got to think bigger than that, eventually when we can fit more poeple on a server, I believe a settlement made by players, with an economy and what not is probably a lot harder to achieve than any kind of end game you can think of.

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Yes' date=' the concept of radio transmissions instructing survivors to reach certain areas of the map (within varying time limits) to gain access to high-grade supplies/weapons would be ideal for gameplay, and would keep players focused on specific goals and working closely together to achieve them.

Some 'missions' would require a set number of survivors to be present at the objective's location and thus further reinforce teamwork.

Example missions:


Radio: 'A vehicle drop has landed just SW of Dubrovka. Rally together four survivors and bring fuel and a wheel. Over.'

Radio: 'A medical supply crate has dropped somewhere over the town of Zelenogorsk. You'd better be quick before the zombies tear into it. I'd say you've got about 40 minutes. Take care out there, and godspeed.'

These are just a few ideas. The types of missions possible are endless. :)

What do you think?


Sounds strangley like Far Cry 2.

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I think notes, maps, recordings with information, a bit of a story, and an objective could make the game more immersive.

But tbh, you kind of make your own objectives in DayZ and thats the nice thing about it. Like, im going to the main airfield to see whats there, and maybe loot the barracks (or die trying). Then maybe team up with a mate, and fix a car or something. Like life, there are no goals decided by anyone else, you decide what the point of your life is! And in DayZ, life is nasty brutish and short.

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