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Simple Deterance to Trigger happy CoD fans and "bandits"

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If you want to be "realistic", in a "real" apocalypse people aren't going to KoS eachother because humans are social beings.

The only way you would be killed on sight in real life would be if you came upon a *GROUP* and they feel you have supplies to sustain them, or see you attracting a mob and they shoot you so they can feed on your body.

If there is a survivor by himself or herself, there is a very very low chance they will kos another human being due to it being a apocalypse and its the age of communication in this era.

Basically its the fact that you don;t turn into a bandit anymore and people reading posts saying "ROCKET SAYS HE WONT PUNISH YOU FOR BEING A BANDIT LOLZ"

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Why should the game tell me when Im hungry or thristy, when im not. People won't get tired of running, injured when shot, or cold when they are in the rain at night. According to your logic we should all be perfect examples of lone survivors, which is not a simulator in the least. I don't have a problem with most bandits, and i think you guys have me as some sort of carebear liberation leader.

Im saying im stuck at playing your Deathmatch game because of said actions being commited, i understand its a game and you feel little to zero regret for gunning down your fellow man for funnzies and a good K/D. I would like to help out new guys and such. you guys are hindering every other playstyle with you mindless slaughter, so you contradict yourself when you claim im punishing you(or im talking about god smiting you). this is subtle deterance, a idea that should be developed or branched into an new concept. Other wise, Rocket should stop claiming this is a Zed survival game, and label is another FPS like the rest but w/ zombies!

As the characters on Breaking Bad are fond of saying, "apples and oranges". I can feel bad about something or I won't, you don't have a choice when it comes to eating or drinking, dying of starvation or dying of thirst. If you're just going to make an illogical comparison, why bother replying?

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If you want to be "realistic", in a "real" apocalypse people aren't going to KoS eachother because humans are social beings.

The only way you would be killed on sight in real life would be if you came upon a *GROUP* and they feel you have supplies to sustain them, or see you attracting a mob and they shoot you so they can feed on your body.

If there is a survivor by himself or herself, there is a very very low chance they will kos another human being due to it being a apocalypse and its the age of communication in this era.

Basically its the fact that you don;t turn into a bandit anymore and people reading posts saying "ROCKET SAYS HE WONT PUNISH YOU FOR BEING A BANDIT LOLZ"

Even gangs have to be able to feed every member of their group, otherwise they get mutiny or members break off and leave. When you see someone else and he asks to team up, you don't know if he has an axe hidden away and/or if his character is already starving, and he might be thinking the same about you. The conditions of the game really make it every gamer for himself, and it lacks the greater social component of human interaction as well as the gravity of real world events as opposed to the happenings of a computer game.

EDIT: You'll notice that this is why most close-knit groups are IRL friends.

Edited by Strogg
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there already IS consequence for mindless murder in game. The random killers fast run out of friends, and people distrust them so they are left wandering alone....

OR they draw attention to themselves from all the shooting and another bandit kills and loots them.


they realise that sitting alone in cherno/electro with a sniper rifle gets them killed quick so they end up teaming up with others to survive.....therefore the emergent gameplay works.

You are forgetting that you can change your name at will. so i can be a complete butcher on a server, relog, and say hey guys im friendly. Sad part is the people that troll cherno and such find that entertaining, but thats fine, it is thier play style. Simply trolling by shooting harmless targets that just started and then swap servers shortly after, yeah i see zero reaction other than finding a server for more kills or thinking of a new witty name. It just proves nothing and leaves people with a bloodlust and lack of trust.

Tonight we actually found a friendly in cherno while my team went to regear two guys that got hit by the problem we are discussing. This guy did act like an idiot and shoot first, we told him there was a M16 in the firehouse and waiting up for him to get the weapon. The rifle was on the top floor in the tower, i watched him go up through the windows as i approach the future commrade. Seconds after i hear a full auto AK and see the top floor light up, We toss a chemlight and checked the top floor from the roof level. Sad to say we lost our new guy and the "bandit" D/Ced as usual. I could careless of handing this scrub a taste of his own BS, but the fact now we got another new player with broken trust. As my friend stated, He prolly thinks we laid a trap for him, which wasn't the case. Im sorry Cherno guy on 1145 some people just like to cause people grief.

Moral of the story, the are next to null consequences for senseless murder. Im stating that was not Banditry what so ever. Most encouters i have are with people that think they have a jump on some one, they dont look around noticing that there are 5 others moving with the person they see. you know why? They are aready aiming down the sights. I want you to tell me that is not mindless killing, they get so focused that the mind shuts down and they don't see anything but a kill count. How is this not like a generic FPS? Im perfectly fine being bested from bandits that take time and think. I have yet to find that, so i leave all those firefights with pity for the greedy murderer.

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As the characters on Breaking Bad are fond of saying, "apples and oranges". I can feel bad about something or I won't, you don't have a choice when it comes to eating or drinking, dying of starvation or dying of thirst. If you're just going to make an illogical comparison, why bother replying?

Im saying you are fine with in game mechanics telling you one thing but when it hinders your kill count, it's bad. Clearly you missed what i was saying, i did not think it was that cryptic. For you ill make it simple, clearly we should consult you when drawing a line of what game mechanics should dictate or not. Seeing you will lack morals on a world that you have no solid identity, i don't blame you for being a manhunter. It's like saying don't have Cops in GTA cuz i don't like that they arrest me. IF i could possibly pursue these poor excuses for bandits i would. Till then i would say we need a Humanity system that actually has meaning other than a heartbeat then you never hear.

I love firefights and PVP but just having guys shoot at me while the other part of my team is right on him already. Really? If that is Realism, i feel damn sorry for the lot of you "bandits", cuz you will die when push come to shove, every single time. Fun hunting!

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There should never be a sanity meter that punishes banditry, under any name.

Also, SEARCH FUNCTION. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds of threads just like this one, changing one word for another with the EXACT SAME SUGGESTION.

No. No support. If you don't like people killing each other, either kill the bandits or avoid people, cities and common loot areas such as NWAF, Balota AF or Stary.

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Yeah it's another one of those, "I don't want to punish bandits, but I want to make them go insane" threads. There are tons of these, dude, and they are just as stupid as yours.

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Yeah it's another one of those, "I don't want to punish bandits, but I want to make them go insane" threads. There are tons of these, dude, and they are just as stupid as yours.

then you and your buddie above you don't have to waste you time posting. obviously you don't read more than one sentence of a post. So please don't strain yourself. i stated numerous times i have no problem with PVP or actual banditry. You see what you want cuz some word set you off. rather than being a close minded ass, think of alternate system to bring realism and consequences to the game. If you are so damn butt hurt over your wonderful CoD playstyle being changed slightly of what not, you are as bad as people not wanting pvp at all.

I also think we should eventually have drug addiction from morphine and pain killers, have Blood types (funny to give some one the wrong blood) or gain infections through transfusion. Please i would like ideas to make this game actually hard. I want to fight for survival, not a top score for this deathmatch game you scrubs play.

And yes I have not a doubt in my mind this has been stated before, but that is not reason to give up and roll over for the KoS CoD kiddies. Which also i have no doubt you fall in that catagory if you think hearing ghost sounds will drive you insane. Get a grip kid, look at the big picture instead of your murder count on the Debug monitor. Which i think kills and murders should be removed so you can't use it as a "kill confirm" scan. I am sad to see the majority of the community that comes to read are: People that don't read the whole content, Calling people noobs for suggesting things to make this game actually hard, or the people that can't even form an arguementive stance a shake there head and yell no like a 3 year old.

You "bandits" have your own post to gloat about your kills and what ever otehr pow-wows you kids do, please don't waste your time if its such a problem to you. Unless you are the socially deprived individuals i've been describing (not actual bandits) and just want attention, well I won't take ya on a date or anything, but i guess i could indulge on your need to get social justification from others on the internet of why you are such a PVP pro, (insert Ego boost here). Other wise please suggest something useful :)

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then you and your buddie above you don't have to waste you time posting. obviously you don't read more than one sentence of a post. So please don't strain yourself. i stated numerous times i have no problem with PVP or actual banditry. You see what you want cuz some word set you off. rather than being a close minded ass, think of alternate system to bring realism and consequences to the game. If you are so damn butt hurt over your wonderful CoD playstyle being changed slightly of what not, you are as bad as people not wanting pvp at all.

I also think we should eventually have drug addiction from morphine and pain killers, have Blood types (funny to give some one the wrong blood) or gain infections through transfusion. Please i would like ideas to make this game actually hard. I want to fight for survival, not a top score for this deathmatch game you scrubs play.

And yes I have not a doubt in my mind this has been stated before, but that is not reason to give up and roll over for the KoS CoD kiddies. Which also i have no doubt you fall in that catagory if you think hearing ghost sounds will drive you insane. Get a grip kid, look at the big picture instead of your murder count on the Debug monitor. Which i think kills and murders should be removed so you can't use it as a "kill confirm" scan. I am sad to see the majority of the community that comes to read are: People that don't read the whole content, Calling people noobs for suggesting things to make this game actually hard, or the people that can't even form an arguementive stance a shake there head and yell no like a 3 year old.

You "bandits" have your own post to gloat about your kills and what ever otehr pow-wows you kids do, please don't waste your time if its such a problem to you. Unless you are the socially deprived individuals i've been describing (not actual bandits) and just want attention, well I won't take ya on a date or anything, but i guess i could indulge on your need to get social justification from others on the internet of why you are such a PVP pro, (insert Ego boost here). Other wise please suggest something useful :)

You are suggesting something to a mod that we all play, which AFFECTS us ALL. That means we get to add our opinions to whatever the suggestion is, even if some are more insulting than others.

The Debug moniter is there because this is an ALPHA, so the stats are saved and we can see if something is messed up.

Not all of us play this game like a normal Call of Duty match, so stop trying to use that as an insult. I played COD from the first one, through the PC versions, the xbox versions (Call of Duty: The Big Red One, anyone?) to the Xbox 360, stopping at MW3 (best ones were COD1, COD2 and COD4).

Sanity meters are not realistic. They are not needed, and not everyone gets PTSD from shooting someone. PTSD comes from the extreme stress of being on a battefield, constant lack of sleep, mental issues arising from such, and then it all comes together as one disorder, which changes from person to person. It does not always pop up from one man shooting another, cause if it did all wars would end on the first death, as everyone would go nuts and flee the battlefield.

Morphine addiction comes from using it when you don't need it, and painkiller addiction is from person to person. generally, you don't get addicted to them when you are in PAIN, only when you continue taking them when you no longer need them. Also, I do agree that the way Blood Transfusions work ingame is a bit odd, but in reality I wouldn't even remotely consider giving someone a transfusion with a random bag that sat in a box for an untold amount of time, in the sun and heat.

Want to make the game harder for bandits? Get a group together and hunt them down. Camp their camping spots, observe them and kill someone when they go there and start laying down sniper fire on towns. Punish them INGAME for what they've done.

The only person wasting time here is ME, because this freaking thread is like DOZENS of others.

Also, the lower half of the Original Post was pretty much rambling.

EDIT: Forgot to add, check my sig.

Edited by Zeromentor
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So many people want to punish the bandits, why? Because you are frustrated they kill you? As Womb Raider said there will never be a deterrent to bandits, and there shouldn't be. Instead, a group should be more valuable and it is, if people fail to notice how much better a group is then solo than that's their own fault. I doubt many people in the real world would really be "friendly" not because they are evil but because they are scared for their own life, and yes they would feel guilty and feel evil, but you can't emulate that in a game, and if you emulate that in DayZ it will ruin it.

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It isn't punishing anything. It is making the game more realistic.

Coz all veterans hear gunshots and cans opening 24/7

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You realize the infected are people, too, right?

Though the models don't exist, we can assume women and children are among the infected.

They're just diseased people. Regular, every day people with a terrible disease.

And you shoot their fucking faces off all day, every day, happily. You celebrate their deaths. You rifle through their pockets and take their beans.

You're a murderer too.

On top of that, we've all probably watched our friends and family and everyone we have ever loved fall victim to the infection. Some of us probably had to kill loved ones ourselves just to survive.

We would all have PTSD.

And on a more final note, rocket has stated that he would rather shut the game down and close the project than implement a system of punishment for a particular style of play. PTSD for bandits only is a punishment for a particular style of play.

So the game will sooner be closed than see your idea implemented.

I'm sorry but that kind of closes the debate for me.

Thanks for my daily dose of "make bandits insane" though. There's usually at least one per 24h period.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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You realize the infected are people, too, right?

Though the models don't exist, we can assume women and children are among the infected.

They're just diseased people. Regular, every day people with a terrible disease.

And you shoot their fucking faces off all day, every day, happily. You celebrate their deaths. You rifle through their pockets and take their beans.

You're a murderer too.

On top of that, we've all probably watched our friends and family and everyone we have ever loved fall victim to the infection. Some of us probably had to kill loved ones ourselves just to survive.

We would all have PTSD.

And on a more final note, rocket has stated that he would rather shut the game down and close the project than implement a system of punishment for a particular style of play. PTSD for bandits only is a punishment for a particular style of play.

So the game will sooner be closed than see your idea implemented.

I'm sorry but that kind of closes the debate for me.

Thanks for my daily dose of "make bandits insane" though. There's usually at least one per 24h period.

It doesn't make you a "murderer" because you killed an "infected". They now lack the conciousness, intelligence, and decision making a human being has. Also, if you wanna get technical about "infected" and "zombies", it's funny how Rocket says "Infected" to justify their speed and sniper-like spotting.

But it seems like in the original idea of the game, it was about "zombies" but once again because of their speed and other features they are called "infected" though it is Day-"Z". You can even check the DEBUG MONITOR, it says ZOMBIES. I like the quick justification though to call them infected, very clever due to 28 days later movie. I like the quick "fallback", or even better "COP-OUT"

The thing you dont understand is that "particular" style of gameplay is ruining it for a lot of people and creating other trolls.

You give a person an inch, they take a mile.

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They now lack the conciousness, intelligence, and decision making a human being has.

No they don't. Who told you this? What's your source? Are you a doctor?

You have absolutely no basis for this claim. The only thing you know is that they exhibit uncontrolled violent behavior and appear disoriented.

They may retain all their memories. They might feel pain. They might be in there right now thinking "What is happening to my body? Why do I feel this way? Why me? Where's my wife and son? Where are the doctors? Why isn't anyone helping me? Wait, what's that? Is that a guy over there? I wish I could call for help but all that comes out is a gutturral groan. Hey, wait, why does he have a gun? He's pointing it right at me. Oh, please no. Don't let it end like this. Not now. Please, no."

Tell yourself they lack concsciousness if it makes you feel better about what you do every day, but you don't know that. You have no idea what the effects of the infection are beyond what you observe.

You can even check the DEBUG MONITOR, it says ZOMBIES.

Okay? There are different types of zombies. I'm not sure what you think you're proving by calling them zombies when they're infected human beings. You are the one copping out on the discussion.

The thing you dont understand is that "particular" style of gameplay is ruining it for a lot of people and creating other trolls.

If PvP ruins a game for you, then don't play games with PvP? Nobody is forcing you to play DayZ. Many of us thrive on the presence of rampant, senseless PvP because it adds a constant element of uncertainty and fear.

When I play DayZ, I'm always afraid of what might happen. And it's not the zombies. Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, Dead Island, Plants vs. Zombies, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, etc. they all had zombies and none of them ever made me afraid like DayZ does.

Because in DayZ I have to worry about humans too. Terrible humans (even the trolls) who want to do terrible things to me at any moment.

Good stuff.

I love it.

If you don't okay. Go try Chernarus Zombie Apocalypse it's basically DayZ without the PvP.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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No they don't. Who told you this? What's your source? Are you a doctor?

You have absolutely no basis for this claim. The only thing you know is that they exhibit uncontrolled violent behavior and appear disoriented.

They may retain all their memories. They might feel pain. They might be in there right now thinking "What is happening to my body? Why do I feel this way? Why me? Where's my wife and son? Where are the doctors? Why isn't anyone helping me? Wait, what's that? Is that a guy over there? I wish I could call for help but all that comes out is a gutturral groan. Hey, wait, why does he have a gun? He's pointing it right at me. Oh, please no. Don't let it end like this. Not now. Please, no."

Tell yourself they lack concsciousness if it makes you feel better about what you do every day, but you don't know that. You have no idea what the effects of the infection are beyond what you observe.

Okay? There are different types of zombies. I'm not sure what you think you're proving by calling them zombies when they're infected human beings. You are the one copping out on the discussion.

If PvP ruins a game for you, then don't play games with PvP? Nobody is forcing you to play DayZ. Many of us thrive on the presence of rampant, senseless PvP because it adds a constant element of uncertainty and fear.

When I play DayZ, I'm always afraid of what might happen. And it's not the zombies. Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, Dead Island, Plants vs. Zombies, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, etc. they all had zombies and none of them ever made me afraid like DayZ does.

Because in DayZ I have to worry about humans too. Terrible humans (even the trolls) who want to do terrible things to me at any moment.

Good stuff.

I love it.

If you don't okay. Go try Chernarus Zombie Apocalypse it's basically DayZ without the PvP.

Who told me this? It's the idea of the "infected".

What are my sources? 28 Days Later, and also Rocket suggested these aren't zombies, but they are "infected" similar to 28 Days Later.

The only who has "no basis for this claim" is you who is just talking out of your ass about how they may still have memories? is that even relevant? Why are you using such elementary insults and tactics in which you keep saying I have no idea and I dont like pvp then I shouldnt play? For 32 years of age you are very sorry. I also like the "tell yourself they lack consciousness to make yourself feel better", further exploits my "elementary insult" point.

"Okay? There are different types of zombies. I'm not sure what you think you're proving by calling them zombies when they're infected human beings. You are the one copping out on the discussion." I dont understand how you can say im copping out when im giving a fact, on the debug monitor.

All you reply is "Okay? There are different types of zombies" that sounds more of a cop out to me. You clearly don't know what your typing during that time.

HAHA WOW. I'm done here because as I read your reply more and more thoroughly I feel like I'm dealing with a moron.

Edited by Shade

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That's okay. I think we were done anyway.

We're kind of on different planes, if you catch my drift.

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That's okay. I think we were done anyway.

We're kind of on different planes, if you catch my drift.

VERY different planes, in terms of, I actually state a fact and you don't, you spew shit out of your ass that has nothing to do with anything that we were discussing or anything thats relevant to the point of discussion.

I can see your passive attitude already because I showed you how retarded you actually are.

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You are once again assuming i don't know how to play this game. I don't need tips, i don't need to avoid pvp. i could do what all you "pro bandits" do and sit around and wait for people to kill. That gets boring fast, if i wanted deathmatch i would play anyother FPS. This game offers something different but i don't see anything but a thrist and hunger. "pros" camping isn't any diferent from CoD or BF

If you don't need tips then wtf are you complaining about, go in game and play the way that you enjoy playing. You obviously don't enjoy meeting unfriendly players or being sniped so I would surmize that you will find your play time more enjoyable by following my advice. I'd also avoid regular servers as name tagging is rampant and allows noobs to spot you no matter how well your hidden. If your not activley trying to play the game to maxamize your enjoyment then why are you hear bitching about things?

If you want to meet other friendlies you have to meta game, its alpha grouping is not yet included so you will need to use the forums or chat clients to communicate prior to meeting people in game.

I don't understand why people simply bitch about things instead of trying to take action, and I don't even mean actually fight the people they complain about in game I simply mean try to play in a way that would solve many of their complaints.

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You are suggesting something to a mod that we all play, which AFFECTS us ALL. That means we get to add our opinions to whatever the suggestion is, even if some are more insulting than others.

The Debug moniter is there because this is an ALPHA, so the stats are saved and we can see if something is messed up.

Not all of us play this game like a normal Call of Duty match, so stop trying to use that as an insult. I played COD from the first one, through the PC versions, the xbox versions (Call of Duty: The Big Red One, anyone?) to the Xbox 360, stopping at MW3 (best ones were COD1, COD2 and COD4).

Sanity meters are not realistic. They are not needed, and not everyone gets PTSD from shooting someone. PTSD comes from the extreme stress of being on a battefield, constant lack of sleep, mental issues arising from such, and then it all comes together as one disorder, which changes from person to person. It does not always pop up from one man shooting another, cause if it did all wars would end on the first death, as everyone would go nuts and flee the battlefield.

Morphine addiction comes from using it when you don't need it, and painkiller addiction is from person to person. generally, you don't get addicted to them when you are in PAIN, only when you continue taking them when you no longer need them. Also, I do agree that the way Blood Transfusions work ingame is a bit odd, but in reality I wouldn't even remotely consider giving someone a transfusion with a random bag that sat in a box for an untold amount of time, in the sun and heat.

Want to make the game harder for bandits? Get a group together and hunt them down. Camp their camping spots, observe them and kill someone when they go there and start laying down sniper fire on towns. Punish them INGAME for what they've done.

The only person wasting time here is ME, because this freaking thread is like DOZENS of others.

Also, the lower half of the Original Post was pretty much rambling.

EDIT: Forgot to add, check my sig.

Well maybe i should change the Title since you guys seem to be guns up in defense over something that i am not even attacking. I have Zero issues with bandits or pvp. Maybe the part i stated earlier of you not reading everything still applies. I'm saying this game is too damn easy, i want game mechanics that strech beyond "oh man i am hungry", the onlt hardcore thing about this game ATM is permadeath, and thats not even that bed honestly. Like i said i can grab a lee in 2 mins and play a normal FPS in Cherno. You know, i would rather support new ideas then the conventional shoot em up game, hence im presenting them. I would like to see more traps, less obvious tents, making lean-tos, Checking can foods for pop lids (indicates Festering Bacteria), what you should be doing is adding not subtracting.

If the system i orginally stated affects everyone then why are you saying it only punishes bandits? You should read what you said the Requirements for PTSD since you are such an expert, Extreme stress, Fatigue, being on a Battlefield, sounds like all those fit under a Zed apoc situation. Constantly under fire, Friends you love dieing around you, can not get more than 4 hours of sleep cuz you need to keep an eye out for hostile people. If you have a hard time reading my post, the least you can do is read your's.

Intaking morphine at illregular periods and excessive use leads to addiction, Tolerance, or even death, people use these like candy in the game. But i guess you know better than to overdose, seeing you are such an expert on these things. Are we all perfect humans in this game? I want the game to give me a chance to make a choice and have consequences on both ends. Oh my i seem to broke my leg for the 3rd time, well i could take another morphine since i got 5 in my pack. I never feel the effects such as pain and broken legs in this game cuz i can grab and alice pack and hit up medic boxes all damn day to fix up after a firefight.


And punishing Bandits ingame is another issue, Shoot and D/c, 8/10 do that. The fact you can change your name at will, makes tracking impossible. Please read and/or think before you make an arguement like that.

Glad you agree with the Blood trans, we shouldn't have magic potions that heal us to full in a matter of seconds. Im mostly Dedicated medic in my team and yeah no issues with broken legs or having anything short of 12k blood. I feel like the medic in BF with Defibs, no one dies as long as i get there.

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I have no idea how to truly enforce this, but all I can say I've yet to meet 1 friendly player after about a week of play. I get shot at everytime I see a player.

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i am for making the game harder, but punishing pvping is wrong

there was a bandit marker once, and the problem was people got identified bandits though they did no bandit acts, like self defense or rightfull reactions (saying someone to lower his gun, he doesnt -> shoot him)

the game just cant track social interactions right, live with it

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Recent posts rambling on what Zombies are or not, constant butt hurt over the thought of reactions to actions (the majority fixates on defending banditry which most who replied i could say don't have the right idea on what a bandit is, also that isn't being discussed, nor the pvp system as a whole), and the one line garbage from certain individuals ( Really if you are to busy to reply in a coherent paragraph that has actually a developed idea, don't bother and wait till you are not so caught up in your own world, we don't want to burden you to the point you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind). I tried keeping you on track to brainstorm how to make the game hard, But 90% seem to focus on my opener and turn into Sheep, not thinking and following the post ahead of them. Constant disreguard on any new subject due to PVP bickering, i decide to cut ties here and start fresh. You Ladies and gents have a great day :)

Edited by RedDedZed

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I killed plenty Ivans in Chernarus and commited my fair shere mass murders along the coast and no PTSD here ;). (I do also enjoy helping people, so dont write me off as a dick yet.) I think bandits just need to be identifiable again. I like skins but I there should be varience between a persons skin with low morality and a persons skin with high morality so that their morality is identifable. That way one would be able to tell if they need to kill on sight and adequetly be able to defend themselves. This would promote robberies again and helping players, which were aspects that made the game fun and help to stop the shoot on sight motto that so many players in this game undertake now. Mabey different level skins would be applied depending on how low or high your morality is but morality should increase overtime like it use to. It should just move closer back to zero.

Edited by joeasyrida
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I killed plenty Ivans in Chernarus and commited my fair shere mass murders along the coast and no PTSD here ;). (I do also enjoy helping people, so dont write me off as a dick yet.) I think bandits just need to be identifiable again. I like skins but I there should be varience between a persons skin with low morality and a persons skin with high morality so that their morality is identifable. That way one would be able to tell if they need to kill on sight and adequetly be able to defend themselves. This would promote robberies again and helping players, which were aspects that made the game fun and help to stop the shoot on sight motto that so many players in this game undertake now. Mabey different level skins would be applied depending on how low or high your morality is but morality should increase overtime like it use to. It should just move closer back to zero.

Yea im not saying you will get PTSD from digital murder, i agree i feel no remorse gunning down people, but im not the guy to offer hey guys lets camp cherno for the lawls. Yeah i liked the skin change for humanity, did feel it was a bit touchy, kill one guy you are a bad man, isn't true.

I thought since that was done and gone, i wouldn't revisit old experiments.

However i see the majority of replies are from people reluctant to try new things, or "pros" deciding to give tips. If i wanted tips i would be in the New player sub form Mr two. I was not in the slightest bitching about pvp, but that is the only challenge this game has to offer and that is not even a challenge at all. I'm stating i like this game and what it has to offer in the future, i would like to help develop the game in a new direction, rather than have is fall in line with a traditional FPS. Anyho I'm gonna swap to a less hostile post to calm down the Raging PVP Zealots. Feel free to come by and drop a suggestion your input in appreciated Joeseasyrida!

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VERY different planes, in terms of, I actually state a fact and you don't, you spew shit out of your ass that has nothing to do with anything that we were discussing or anything thats relevant to the point of discussion.

I can see your passive attitude already because I showed you how retarded you actually are.

He ended the argument respectfully and you called him a retard. Maturity levels revealed.

"Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded."

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