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-WD- OneShotX

Is This a Hack??

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Saw this in the script.log file:

23.07.2012 16:06:08: Name omitted by admin ( 619c12dbc4d82e3e90d0b6871c02540d - #35 eelF", _endPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_bolt setPosATL _endPos;

_bolt setDir (getDir _unit);

_bolt s

23.07.2012 16:06:28: Name omitted by admin ( 619c12dbc4d82e3e90d0b6871c02540d - #35 eelF", _endPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_bolt setPosATL _endPos;

_bolt setDir (getDir _unit);

_bolt s

This a hack?

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getdir _unit looks suspicous, directory or direction and the above line could be teleportation

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I haven't understood the syntax of the commands yet, because I've started looking through the log files only 3 days ago after I was teleported and killed with all players on the server, but:

setPosATL sets the position of an object relative to the terrain.

_bolt is some object (could be a player or any other object) that is being teleported.

_endPos is the targeted coordinates.

You can refer to this page if in doubt. It helps somewhat.

I couldn't find any other info on this snippet, but in my opinion this is a hack. We've banned 10 people yesterday on my friend's server that used this snippet within the last 3 days.

Also, can anyone help me the syntex of the kick command? Yesterday I've banned one player that was still on the server after the ban. I could see him still using teleportation script (by looking in scripts.log), but I could not kick him via server console...

what is the correct syntax, please?

  • /kick #players'd
  • kick Matt
  • kick Matt#4534534
  • /kick #43434
  • kick 4534534

Edited by Zerg00s

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Add his GUID in bans.txt . Use BERCon to log into your server and type "loadbans". That will automatically kick him/her.

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