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Vehicle Spawns

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I was thinking, a way to stop the hoarders from hoarding all of the vehicles in their servers would be to impliment a building that you could bring for instance, a certain number of scrap metal pieces to in order to build yourself the shell of the vehicle you are looking to manufacture, lets say a bike would cost 1 scrap metal (plus two tires as it would be just the shell), a motor cycle costing 3 scrap metal and so on and so forth, the bigger the vehicle the more metal it takes to make it. This would of course discourage vehicle hording because what would be the point in taking all the vehicles in the map and hiding them if you could just make them yourself? I also believe this would still be a challenge getting these vehicles because the parts for them are generally few and far between.

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Problem: more hoarding. Eventually an entire corner of the map will be covered with vehicles that people have built.

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But the thing is, vehicles are being destroyed on a regular basis, and as far as my understanding goes, there is no way to spawn new ones, except a hard server reset, which... doesn't happen very often at all, and why would you ever want to spawn 3 bikes in 10 minutes?

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I agree with the OP. In my opinion, the different vehicles have always been one of the most fun parts in OFP and ArmA, and after playing some tens of hours on different servers, i have only once been able to find a single bicycle.

Furthermore, I think that building your own vehicle would add an interesting alternative to simply going bandit as soon as you have your gear collected. Having an APC, or even the armored car, would also provide a purpose for the in-game AT-weapon, which currently is little more than a curiosity.

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I think they should just make the map bigger and you can only save 1 vehicle. And after the vehicle hasn't been saved for a certain amount of time it will just disappear. But ya i like the making a vehicle thing, if these 2 were put together i couldn't see a prob with that

Edited by supen27

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How about we are able to tow the vehicle husks off the damn road and rebuild them in workshops...

It would place a limit for how many you could have, as you' have to find the vehicle hush first, but we'd need to reduce the amount of husks around then.

Edited by CarloNord

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I think I wouldn't mind having to find a lot of material, since it would give me a purpose for going into the towns and fighting zombies. The thing is, I would be able to put effort into that project and expect to get some reward out of it. It still beats wandering hopelessly around Chernarus trying to find one of those cars hidden in the endless forests.

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Great Idea. I'm only bothered with balancing material costs. It should be faaaaaar more than 3 scrap metal for a bike chassis.

It should still be a great problem to build your own transport.

Besides, I guess more tools should be implemented then for this kind of work. You can not creat a chassis of a bike/car with a toolbox.

Building a real APC is not actually possible in such environment, thus it will require some extra modeling and texturing skliis/workhours from devs to create something looking like APC but in a Z setting.

But ofc a model of a normal ArmA APC will do good for alfa/beta stage.

Edited by RubTheRob

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I think this is a good idea, especcially if its less

"insert 10 scrap metal, 4 tires, 2 engine parts, and 2 fuel tank parts = *insert random car modle here*"

What if you could, instead, design a custom car? Lets say i gather the parts (or scavenge it off of one of the random husks, probaly an easier starting point) to build a car chasis (i certainly spelled that wrong, but you get the point). After that, i simply put on wheels, an engine, a drivers seat, and a small wall around the rest of the car, and walla, i have a car. But i label the massive amount of open space as inventory space, or make it that some other way. The end result of this is a car with a sheer masssive carrying capacity. Or perhaps i build a small car, with nothing but the base essentials on it, so ill be able to zip around chernarus at massive speeds. Or perhaps a heavily armored car, maybe with a gun on it, and plenty of spare seats. I dont honestly need to say what we'll use that one for.

In short, this is an extremely interesting idea. I can definetely see the situation with my last car getting out of hand, but it would definetely give a good end game objective for people.

Edited by Cinc

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I was thinking, a way to stop the hoarders from hoarding all of the vehicles in their servers would be to impliment a building that you could bring for instance, a certain number of scrap metal pieces to in order to build yourself the shell of the vehicle you are looking to manufacture, lets say a bike would cost 1 scrap metal (plus two tires as it would be just the shell), a motor cycle costing 3 scrap metal and so on and so forth, the bigger the vehicle the more metal it takes to make it. This would of course discourage vehicle hording because what would be the point in taking all the vehicles in the map and hiding them if you could just make them yourself? I also believe this would still be a challenge getting these vehicles because the parts for them are generally few and far between.

This would in no way discourage the hoarding of vehicles, are you saying you would not hide avehicle that you spent hours gathering the equipment to make? or that you would not make more vehicles to have at your camp to store goods and just for the sake of having a large range of vehicles to distribute to new people joining yer team?

This would make it so that vehicles are super easy to aquire, making them less valuable, in turn giving less incentive to seek them and steal them from other players, making human interaction less, not more.

Leave vehicles rare so we have something to fight over and hunt for.

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I would rather find a rare hidden vehicle and steal it from a player, or kill another player for a vehicle, then just always have the option of building a vehicle, we need recourses to fight over, and vehicles at the moment are the best thing we got.

Rather than build a vehicle based on PVE, find a vehicle hidden by a player, or kill a player for it, or hell, set up a trade with them, vehicles should be aquired through PVP not PVE in my honest opinion.

Just to add I am not againts a surplus of bikes that remove the insane amount of running, but vehicles should be rare as shit and limited on the map.

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sorry i repeated my self,. thought the first post was deleted when i hit back, but it posted.

this is a sign i need to go to bed, goodnight.

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I think a key here is to find a solution that would make acquiring vehicles actually possible, while still not "super-easy". Since the vehicles can be destroyed quite easily (except for the APC, i guess), there are currently more vehicle "sinks" than sources, if you count the forests as a sink. I wouldn't mind fighting over the cars, but *running* around trying to actually locate one to fight over - that I find boring as hell.

Edited by Ardelainen

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How about this:

  • Make one or two factories respawn an incomplete car chassis inside them, when approached by any player.
  • The chassis can be built into a complete vehicle with something like:
    • 4 wheels
    • 6 windshields
    • 4 engine parts
    • 10 scrap metal

    [*]The vehicle will despawn or degrade after 24 hours if not "maintained" or "updated" by any player

    [*]Maybe make the factory (or workshop) operate using a generator that would have to be refueled with jerry cans

This way, you could produce a vehicle through considerable effort, definitely not super-easy. If you don't use it, you lose it. If you don't want others to use vehicles, you can prevent them by occupying the factory. That would also make the factory a choke point and a PvP attraction. Also, the car-haters could arrange ambushes by the roads.

I think one of the best parts of the ArmA framework is the use of vehicles, and right now I think DayZ misses out on a lot of that. I agree it's not a good idea to have absolutely everybody driving around in tanks or even cars, but how about at least giving everybody a chance to try out some rides, instead of just the first few who find them?

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Also, for those who really hate vehicles, or those who just don't want their rides to be available to others, maybe consider adding the option of burning the car down using the matches?

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or just adding like 5scraps for any random car @ street should make it usable and then you need to fins 4 more wheals/jerry can u.c to finis it :P

Edited by Su1c1deR

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