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run speed over different ground

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Hi Guys,

Just a quick one apologies if this has been suggested before, search came up with nothing.

Suggestion: Modify the run speed slowly as per the different ground types. Slightly faster (10%) running on the road, slightly slower (-5%) running offroad, slightly slower still (-10%) running through the forest. (maybe the beach?)


Adds another dimension of choice when moving city to city (more safety vs speed than just stances). Players use the road system to move long distances, thus focusing the player population slightly.

Realism; you can run faster on the road than you can through the forest.

This is allready implimented for vehicles, moving it across to running is the next logical step (IMO)

Thanks for reading :)

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It doesn't have to be much but yeah, I actually like this idea. Although zombies would have to apply to the same rules so it pretty much makes it pointless.

But it makes me think of Advance Wars for the GBA, so here's my beans.

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It doesn't have to be much but yeah, I actually like this idea. Although zombies would have to apply to the same rules so it pretty much makes it pointless.

But it makes me think of Advance Wars for the GBA, so here's my beans.

No it's good because players can take the calculated risk of running quickly through highly visible areas or more slowly in less visible areas.

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Also, no regular run speed? You've listed all but it.

there would be no regular speed ig u had grass, road, coast

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Rocket likes small things that make it harder to survive, if he sees this he will most likely implement this

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As much as I love Day Z, it is hard enough to run long distances as it is. I certainly wouldn't like further restrictions put on, I personally have no real problem with running long distances, but if something like this were implemented I could see it putting off new players.

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I would have thought this would make it easier for new players; realistically as a new player you follow the roads anyway (since your lost half the time) so the time it takes to get around would shorten.

As you move on in the game you realise the value of cover, this takes something away from that huge huge benefit. (resulting in making it ever so slightly more difficult for late game players)

It doesnt even need to be that big of a change, just enough to make you stop and think "hold on, should i follow the roads or go straight through this forest"

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I would suggest offroad and plains with no loss, road +10%, forest -5%, hills -10% and sand -10%

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