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problems with starting dayz up

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hey everyone. just took a peek around to see if i could help myself before posting and i pretty much nailed it down to this problem:

"You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip etc.'upon joining any DayZ server.

You installed the mod or the shortcut incorrectly. Make sure you add "-mod=@dayz" without quotes in the launch options and DayZ mod files are installed in the proper folder. By default: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons"

so i started to see if i could fix it myself and i found out that after i went to computer -> steam -> steamapps, that there was no common folder there. im guessing this is where the problem is coming up.

i bought and download arma 2 combined operations today off of amazon and download all files and am running the newest version. i torrented the dayz mod and used six launcher and everything. im guessing i just download the mod to the wrong place. would anyone be able to give advice on how to get this thing planted in the right place?

thanks for your help,


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try this:

open Arma, in main menu go to Expansions, @DayZ should appear there, enable it. the game will restart and you will have @DayZ in the top right in the menu.

dont know if it will work for steam version.

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If you're using steam you need to add some stuff to your launch options; you get to this by right clicking on the game and going to properties and then set launch options

Here's what I use. -mod=@dayz -nosplash -maxMem=2047 -winxp -cpuCount=5 -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion

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hey i was not using steam to boot anything up. just using six launcher. im not getting the same error anymore though, i think i just need to install the proper dayz mod files to the correct place. i still can get past the steamapps folder

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ok i think im making a little progress here. by using six launcher this morning I got all the way to waiting for character to create screen. it even said the little stuff down to the left like REGROUP and Player Connor is losing connection. so ive gotta be close. it then took me to a screen where it said loading and then it just got stuck there.


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just got into the game. sorry im asking so many questions but now as im walking around theres like these big blocks of grey on the ground as i walk around and its really laggy. anyone have advice for this?

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