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Meepo (DayZ)

"Player XXX died of a Heart Attack!"

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My apologies if this idea has been stated already or if this isn't even possible to do, but I see no harm in sharing it regardless.

You don't have to be an avid DayZ player to know that people disconnecting at the slightest hint of danger (most likely when they realize you've got your sights on them) is a problem that's becoming frustratingly common. But way back when I tried out "World of Warcraft", I can remember that there used to be a brief countdown before you were logged out. I was too nervous to ever exit the game without letting the countdown complete, fearing my account would somehow corrupt or something. With this in mind, what if a sort of "timer" was implemented for safe logout in DayZ?

Now I know what you're thinking: Hitting Alt+F4 can instantly close the window, bypassing any timer and allowing the logger to safely exit, right? But what if (and here's the part I was iffy about if it were possible) that users who abruptly disconnect without using the Timer and then relog on, suddenly die of a "Heart Attack"? It might even discourage server hopping by slowing down the speed at which they can disconnect/reconnect, albeit for only a few moments, but I digress.

Anyway, what do you all think?

[EDIT]: Alternately, as Ohelig brought up: "the character shouldn't disappear until that timer (now taken over by the server) hits zero" to give the other player/zed a chance to finish off the logger.

Edited by Meepo
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There has to be some sort of punishment for sure. I like your idea, it's probably one of the more creative things I've seen on the forums. Very interesting idea. Take my beans!

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They don't need to die of a heart attack, but the character shouldn't disappear until that timer (now taken over by the server) hits zero.

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They don't need to die of a heart attack, but the character shouldn't disappear until that timer (now taken over by the server) hits zero.

Ah, nice suggestion! I'll edit it into the main post.

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