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Option to spawn with friends!

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Okay, I think a great feature to add in DayZ is to spawn with friends. I know some people don't like it, but I'll get to that in a minute. So if we use the Six Launcher or Steam, there should be a "Friends" option when we click on Multiplayer. There, we can create a "group" or a "clan". Then we can either add friends from Steam or type in their name. Once we have friends in the group, the host joins a server and all the group members spawn next to each other. (The group limit should be 3 or 4).

For the people that don't like this idea, there should be a new option in the server filter that lets you turn this option on or off. If it's on, people can spawn in with friends. If it's off, it's just like how DayZ is now.

I know some people like this idea and others don't, but let me know what you think.

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Should there also be an option to completely get rid of the challange in this game?

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I thought about the cheapness of this, but the filter option is what would change this. If you think there is no challenge then just turn the option off in the filter and you don't have to worry about it every again.

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You realize that people could just go to servers with the Spawn with Friends option enabled, spawn, then go to any server regardless of if it allows spawning with friends?

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I actually dont like the idea of spawning with friends. I kind of enjoy looking for my group.

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This is a hard area ...some will say it makes the game too easy (dont agree with this myself) but there is no correct answer to this as its just down to how experienced you are a the game (for me I think it would only make the game easyier for newer players) .The thing is there shouldnt be any reason you shouldnt be able to spawn with friends, example lore : You are immune to the infection or kept yourself safe when the infection took place/spread but now yourv been dropped into a situation where you must survive at all costs. Now ill expland this into 2 more example lores ..these are

1. you were alone when this infection happened

2. you were with a group when the infection happened

Now i think the first expanded lore I stated should be applied when you come on for a game by yourself as your friends are offline and I think the second example lore should be applied when you come on for a game with your friends.

So I agree this should be an added feature ..but also im not to bothered if it is added.

Edited by Massicor

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For that, you would have to have an option to spawn next to other players and there will be people who will kill in that way, bad idea. It would be better to reduce the spawn area radius

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I'm perfectly fine with spawning away from my friends and having to search for them.

But please just make a way for us to join the same server easily.

Edited by Ramirez77

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I'm perfectly fine with spawning away from my friends and having to search for them.

But please just make a way for us to join the same server easily.

What's hard about "ok Join US 55". Seems simple to me.

This is never going to happen OP, you can find a place on the map to meet with your friends, it really isn't hard.

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why should it be put in for new lives? all people do is respawn spam until they are nearby anyway, and lets face it if your and your friends had survived this kind of shit anyway you'd most likely have met up/lived nearby from a RP perspective. Don't see how it makes the game that much easier think your full of shit in that respect.

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I don't support this feature even if Rocket mentionned it, because gathering with your friend is a part of the game to me. It's dangerous because you can die on the way, you have to get water/drinks, get food, and of course try to distinguish some key elements out there to spot where you can possibly be. And then try to meet.

This adds really something more realistic to the game, and it's really enjoyable once you met.

Also there should not be any maps on the web... but that's another debate ^^

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