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Stamina/sprinting, kneeling walking speed, gunshot aggro, and d/c

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This has probably been brought up several hundred times, but I'll just reiterate for the sake of adding my voice in there. There should be a stamina bar, which will deplete when running. My character is like marathon man when being chased by zombies. I understand the effects of adrenaline and the threat of an excruciating death by a zombie eating fest, but the human body has its limits.

I know there is nothing about sprinting in here, and that is because I realized it wouldn't work very well. Sorry for that now misleading bit in the title.

Kneeling walking speed

The kneeling walking speed seems pretty slow. I haven't tested this, but I'm pretty sure you go faster when you're crawling.

Gunshot aggro

Gunshots should be aggro'ing zombies from a much greater distance. It encourages you to get the hell out of dodge if you shoot off a round, especially in conjunction with my suggestions regarding stamina (and my suggestion below this). E.g if I pop off a round in, say, Balota, then every zombie in town will be converging on the general location of the shot (like, running there, not just taking old man steps and giving the survivor/bandit a ten minute headstart).


Just make it so that there is a short disconnect timer, and if you disconnect prematurely, your character will still be there until it finishes (perhaps fifteen to thirty seconds). If the player isn't worried about what happens, then their character will suffer the consequences; simple as that.

More melee weapons

I know this one wasn't listed in the title, but it was getting kind of long. There need to be more, simple melee weapons, like a lead pipe, wooden board, tree branch, etc, that can be found much more commonly (tree branch for instance would spawn in the forest). If players had stamina limitations, then it would only be fair to give new characters more options besides inevitable death by fatigue then cannibalization.

The added bonus about all these in conjunction (except for kneeling walking speed, I just felt compelled to add that in there) is that it gives bandits more to worry about, and in effect would greatly discourage off-handedly murdering anyone they come across. Shooting some guy might earn them a death by zombies, since their ability to run away would be handicapped, as well as their ability to magically whisk themselves away via d/c.

Edited by Strogg
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zed hearing is bugged, fix incomming. Maybe we could craft a tree branch into a weapon if we had a knife.. I was thinking you could need the hatchet to get a tree branch, but if you had the hatchet you don't need the branch! heh

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zed hearing is bugged, fix incomming. Maybe we could craft a tree branch into a weapon if we had a knife.. I was thinking you could need the hatchet to get a tree branch, but if you had the hatchet you don't need the branch! heh

Yeah, maybe carve a club or something, which will do more damage and have a faster attack speed than the tree branch.

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This has probably been brought up several hundred times, but I'll just reiterate for the sake of adding my voice in there. There should be a stamina bar, which will deplete when running. My character is like marathon man when being chased by zombies. I understand the effects of adrenaline and the threat of an excruciating death by a zombie eating fest, but the human body has its limits.

I know there is nothing about sprinting in here, and that is because I realized it wouldn't work very well. Sorry for that now misleading bit in the title.

Kneeling walking speed

The kneeling walking speed seems pretty slow. I haven't tested this, but I'm pretty sure you go faster when you're crawling.

Gunshot aggro

Gunshots should be aggro'ing zombies from a much greater distance. It encourages you to get the hell out of dodge if you shoot off a round, especially in conjunction with my suggestions regarding stamina (and my suggestion below this). E.g if I pop off a round in, say, Balota, then every zombie in town will be converging on the general location of the shot (like, running there, not just taking old man steps and giving the survivor/bandit a ten minute headstart).


Just make it so that there is a short disconnect timer, and if you disconnect prematurely, your character will still be there until it finishes (perhaps fifteen to thirty seconds). If the player isn't worried about what happens, then their character will suffer the consequences; simple as that.

More melee weapons

I know this one wasn't listed in the title, but it was getting kind of long. There need to be more, simple melee weapons, like a lead pipe, wooden board, tree branch, etc, that can be found much more commonly (tree branch for instance would spawn in the forest). If players had stamina limitations, then it would only be fair to give new characters more options besides inevitable death by fatigue then cannibalization.

The added bonus about all these in conjunction (except for kneeling walking speed, I just felt compelled to add that in there) is that it gives bandits more to worry about, and in effect would greatly discourage off-handedly murdering anyone they come across. Shooting some guy might earn them a death by zombies, since their ability to run away would be handicapped, as well as their ability to magically whisk themselves away via d/c.

But they could just DC with Alt F4

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But they could just DC with Alt F4

Yeah. In this case, leave the body of the disconnector for a few seconds on the server, just like the OP said. It's an old idea already, but a must-have one for this game.

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