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Boss zombie

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No, it will turn it into arcade style gaming, and not a simulator. we all know however that its not "completely realistic."

instead i like the idea, which has been posted a few times, of different strengths.

like so:

zombie #1:stronger but slower

zombie #2:faster but weaker

zombie #3:eagle eyes but cant hear <and all of these are very possible things that could happen since not all humans

zombie #4: great hearing but almost blind have the same abilities and are possibly stronger, blinder, or faster than others.

zombie #5: no legs but has an iron grip and can hold you in place until dead (and pulls it's self around with its hands)

^this could make for a variety of how to sneak around, how to take out certain zombies, and just several variables to have to plan for throughout the "raid" or whatevs.

as far as the forest, which this is just an idea, maybe have a random infected heard roaming. like one heard per map, and this heard can be a walking medium value military loot.

i just want to keep this game different in the way it has been from all the other games. with out the puking zombies and "bosses"

Edited by plummerdrummer

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Well you obv arent very smart if you cant figure out that its an idea and a great one if done properly.

Great? this isnt L4D its not level based bullshit with bosses. Want to fight something challenging go north and fight bandits

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No, just no.

Special zombies, boss zombies don't fit the style of Day Z, this isn't a game where you encounter boss zombies. I know you're just trying to suggest ideas, but I disagree.

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well i for one would love to be running along and get spotted by a beastly zombie that can aggro from miles away with a horde in tow. why not.

realism? its a game in russia, that spawns american weapons, their are more deer stands than hospitals, you have to reload your hatchet and people hang around in spawn places to purposely lower the population.

its a game. its about being entertaining not everything has to be "realistic" (term used so incredibly loosely its practically pointless) and not every suggestion turns this game into cod, l4d or minecraft.

and surely if a steroided motherfucker got infected he would be more beastly than mythbusters man

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You obv think the game is too hard already and you cant take the heat of a boss zombie as your low skilled ...goodbye

i rather think the game is to easy, i would love bears mountain lions cougars implied or even buffing the current zombies speed attack and intelligence

however your idea is simply retarded

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Tryng to add ,,Boss battles,, in the world of DayZ is completly contradictionary what sucked players into this mod in the first place.

What you're tryng is to put Left4dead/Resident Evil type of game into sandbox style.

IMO this is a bad idea for DayZ.

Bosses shoud stay in an action/horror type of games.

Edited by VaultDweller
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i rather think the game is to easy, i would love bears mountain lions cougars implied or even buffing the current zombies speed attack and intelligence

however your idea is simply retarded

Nah buddie im having none of your lies "i rather think the game is to easy" ..sure you do buddie now go back to playing on your recruit difficulty servers :))

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Tryng to add ,,Boss battles,, in the world of DayZ is completly contradictionary what sucked players into this mod in the first place.

What you're tryng is to put Left4dead/Resident Evil type of game into sandbox style.

IMO this is a bad idea for DayZ.

Bosses shoud stay in an action/horror type of games.

Dont agree myself but wont say your opinion isnt valid :)

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I would rather bears.......the forests don't feel dangerous enough.

zombie bears?

better then carebears any day :P

Edited by Azrail

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Rocket already said no to 'special infected' and I definitely think he's right with that one.

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Rocket already said no to 'special infected' and I definitely think he's right with that one.

Rocket says alot of things and he wont be the last person to revisit or go back on something he said.

Edited by Massicor

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Rocket says alot of things!

that is because hes the auteur of the mod, anyway i'm aborting this thread since op seems like a 14year old summerfag that only seems to hear his own voice instead of listening to the logic dumped in this thread

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No thanks, if you want that play L4D :)

He is adding wild animals into the game soon though :D

Pack of wolves > Zombies


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I don't agree with the boss zombie idea. What were these infected in real life ... MMA fighters?

Pilot/soldier zeds that are resistant to headshots (helmets).

Army zeds that require maybe an extra bullet.

That's about as far down the "boss" zombie route I'd like to go.

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The idea 'sounds' fun, but 'epic lewtz' reminds me too much of MMORPGs like WoW.

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I can imagine some kind of alpha zombie - perhaps wearing armour and wielding a melee weapon. These would strengthen any given mob, but as for a behemoth type boss Zed that took 4 dudes with assault weapons to take down - it doesn't fit the DayZ ethos.

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Don't like it, feels to mmorpg to me. Game should focus on surviving and dealing with other players. Not "teaming up to raid that phat loot boss".

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I like the idea, but its hard to imagine it fitting in. In L4D the Tank is fun because he immediately alters your play style. You are aggressive till he shows up and now you have to be defensive. Same with the witch. They both make you play the game differently when they are around. That is fun to me.

To fit in with the theme of the game, what if instead of some super monster it was a roaming Horde like in Walking Dead. A tight group of 30-50 zombies would be really dangerous to alert. I would just want a situation where everyone is too afraid to fire their weapons because it might alert them. I doubt the Arma engine and the servers would like to render that many zombies in 1 place. But I can dream!

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