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Boat In The Water

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Hello, I have a question for my fellow DayZ players. I have found a small boat floating out in the water and have swam to it. I looked and saw that it needs Gas and an engine part. But I have one question. How do i get the stuff out there to fix it? It will all just drop when I go swimming and it is pretty far off the coast. IF anyone can help me that would be awesome. I tried pushing it and other stuff but nothing will work.

Edited by OfficialRooster

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Don't think there is anything you can do with out getting another boat to get to it.

Just look at it and cry :'(.

I think I am about to cry right now :(

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I don't think you actually lose your stuff while swimming anymore.

Sadly have tried it on mulitble servers and you still do.

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boats are useless, especially fishing boats. The military one is only decent. All you accomplish is getting sick and die.

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hmm... im not really sure about this.. ive swam to some small island with a lighthouse and didnt lose any gear.. still have never lost any gear at any point of getting in water but is the boat completely unmovable because usually they will move a little

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