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So I found a tractor...

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Just got geared up in elektro after killing someone in 1 clip with a makarov (wtf?) and I was running towards cherno and I found a tractor in the woods. I can't drive it but I can 'save tractor'. Is it blown up or glitched?

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"Saving" it will make it spawn where you last saved it. If you get into the tractor and look at the top left, you can see what you need to do to complete repairs. If anything is red, you'll need to replace it. If the gas gauge is empty (Completely black,) in needs gas. Also, scroll through and check the "Gear" option. Maybe someone stored supplies in it. Its owner may still be around, so be careful.

Edited by Slazors92

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I know how vehicles work. It lets me save the tractor but not get in. Theres no option for it.

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I know how vehicles work. It lets me save the tractor but not get in. Theres no option for it.

You didn't mention that you knew, my apologies.

Anyway, try fiddling around with it a little bit. Try it from every angle. I know the ATV has problems in the avenue of being able to fill up the gas, and you have to get at a perfect angle to fill it up. I've been able to get into tractors with ease, but give it a little bit more effort.

Just out of curiosity, did you find any gear in it?

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No, I couldn't access the gear. I think the tractor is blown up because it's like in front of a tree. But I can save it so I think it can still function. It's between Elektro and Prig in the forest on a hill. I tried as many angles as I could and I didn't work. I left the tractor there but it may be glitched so I missed out :P

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mentioning all this info in the first post would have been much more helpful for people..

Its against a tree. i know how vehicles work. i can't access gear or get in but i can save. it looks like its been on fire.

the tractor is blown up

Edited by Tallpoppy

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I guess it was on fire and blown up. Not sure what they were doing there in the first place. The mountain was really steep.

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My friend got run over by a tractor, not even joking.

He said it was faster than he thought it would be.

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Yeah I saw this post was made about an hour after someone killed me with a clip in Elek.

Only 2nd spawn, had finally found this larger town at last. I worked out that I was in the hospital - I think. Anyway I am creeping around as there are zombies about and I am totally unarmed. I see this figure standing on a stairwell and presume its a zombie. Pop. I looked back again. I just see this guy on the stairs, pistol aiming at me popping off the rest of his clip. Took about 5 bullets in total. Don't suppose that was you Exo? What was the point? I was unarmed. I didn't even know you were there, you had elevation - everything. Yet you just opened up. Asshole if that was you..

Edited by Clatterbridge

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I wan't a tractor ;_;

Nope. You "wan't" a dictionary.

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