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AHHHH ArmA 2 OA Down for Maintenance!!

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They came back for all of 1-2 minutes and now down again. Got into my main server....




Must be another bad battleye install from the latest beta patch let me just reinstall battleye...ok that's done now to rejoin!

"Down for maintenance"


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WTF!!! Im in the middle of a EPIC PVP Battle and I get kicked off and get the error ArmA 2 OA is Temporally down for Maintenance!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!! DID this happen to anyone else!

i was in the middl of some epic pvp shit too.. lu130 possibly?^^

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Find out the IP for the server you play on and you can remote connect, otherwise you will have to wait till the maintenance is done.

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Find out the IP for the server you play on and you can remote connect, otherwise you will have to wait till the maintenance is done.

can you post a random one please and I'll try and connect? cheers.

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Got into a server because I D/C'd early, but it was pitch black, so i backed out.

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The main servers I play on are down, including my "home" server, that's 3 servers total. Not sure why, they don't show up in the server list you posted above either *sigh*, although I already know their IP I still can't connect.

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Find out the IP for the server you play on and you can remote connect, otherwise you will have to wait till the maintenance is done.

Did this, got the following error when trying to join

"You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code,dayz_weapons,dayz_equip,dayz_vehicles"

How fix?

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ok, i say it even if it could get me empty tin cans thrown at my head:

1. its alpha.

be prepared that the game may be disrupted anytime without noticce, be prepared that core game features might break anytime without notice, be prepared that there might be rollbacks, loss of databases, character wipes etc anytime without notice - so dont stress yourself when there is actually a downtime. game is fabulously stable for alpha stage.

2. its OA Maintenance, not DayZ

dont shoot the DayZ team, its beyond their control. As far as i read on the Bohemia Interactive forums, its also beyond their control.

that said, chill out, eat some beans, read the announcements, read a book, watch a movie or troll on the internet, i am sure the guys responsible are working hard to bring the servers back online ASAP.

Edited by e47

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I'm pissed. I was just at the airfield and was about to snipe some guy that was shooting at us when I got disconnected!!!

Lol what server? Did said shooter happen to have a high caliber sniper? I got pinned down at the airfield by the same guy

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Me and my friends were about to fortify a certain castle, but now our plans are really delayed...

Edited by Powell

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Just updated the Beta patch, and went to multiplayer. No servers were showing; until I noticed the Address button at the bottom left was set to LAN. Switched it to Internet....servers showing again.

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GODDAMN!!! Just repaired a car we got the last wheel to drive away and then.... OFFLINE!

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