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Weapon Preferences

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I think if finally acquired my Perfect set-up weapon wise today

i have and M16A4 ACOG and an M1911 and they work perfectly for me I do also BAF AS50 I carry for some serious snipeing or vehicular takedowns

What is your perfect weapon set?

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Ideal loadout would give the ability to engage at most ranges ie 1km-300m, 300-50m and 50m.

My prefrence would be

DMR or AS50

M16a2+m203 with stanag SD rounds


2 nades

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I tend to carry around both the AS50 and DMR. AS50 for day time operations and DMR for night time operations or close-medium range skirmishes. My pistol is reserved specifically for zombie killing. Once I get more comfortable using the DMR I may set aside the AS50 for an L85.

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I prefer to have an M4A1 CCO SD cus I am used to the sights, A Colt 1911 cus I have one irl and its a zombie killing machine, and my SVD drugnov for its scope and accuracy coupled with my ghille nvgs and ATV I can feel safe to loot almost anywhere. I prefer to keep away from the L85 because of its horrible range compared to the SVD which has almost 3 times the range. Oh and a coyote backpack never hurt.

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My personal preference is a small army of jihadist noobs with nothing to lose and a hatchet, all fighting for the beans and AK I promised them.

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Ideal loadout would give the ability to engage at most ranges ie 1km-300m, 300-50m and 50m.

My prefrence would be

DMR or AS50

M16a2+m203 with stanag SD rounds


2 nades

what is the advantage of using SD rounds? I'm curious :)

i prefer a silenced weapon and a sniper rifle as stealth in this game is everything imo

bizon is nice because of its high capacity but mp5 has much nicer iron sights making it a tad more useful, the dream of course is to find an m4sd :)

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Hate to be "that guy" but it depends what Im up to:

Overwatch: AS50 (day) DMR (night)

Spotter: l85a2

CQB: Bizon (would prefer the M4-SD but Im primarily an overwatch kinda fella so happy enough with the bizon for now)

Secondary: M9SD (unless using the Bizon, then either M1911 or revolver).

But if I can only choose two, Id say DMR & M9SD, former for NVG utility, latter for when I'm being sneaky. Oh for the AS50 TWS - but that would fully break the game :D

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A stick, an empty tin can, a wet fish, anything but this newbie axe that won't hit anything. Click click click! What kind of axe cllcks? I'll tell you...I will tell YOU! One that doesn't work! *pants madly....chews on axe*

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Recently I found an MP5SD in a deer stand as I was randomly going through the forest. Threw it in my bag. So my set up is now DMR for medium range fights, MP5SD for going into cities and my 1911 for whatever else I need.

I like it because its got long range, medium, and silent CQB possibilities. That way I dont feel too naked just pulling out a noisy 1911 in the city.

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A stick, an empty tin can, a wet fish, anything but this newbie axe that won't hit anything. Click click click! What kind of axe cllcks? I'll tell you...I will tell YOU! One that doesn't work! *pants madly....chews on axe*

actually I've never hitten anything with my axe. until I actually started to ADS with it (though it lacks the sights^^). But then it's a kinda decent weapon, maximum 1 hit to receive from a zed if you're unlucky.

BTT: well, I've not had so much weapons till now, but my M16A2 I got atm seems kinda decent to me, combinated with either Revolver or M1911 as secondary. Think I would like some sniper rifle also though, but never have found one yet.

Edited by LoL4Ever
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Lol4Ever, but how do you make the axe work? I took it from my tool belt and tried clicking on it in menu, tried taking it but it won't swing. I just cllck at the zombies and they tear the flesh from my bones. :o

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Lol4Ever, but how do you make the axe work? I took it from my tool belt and tried clicking on it in menu, tried taking it but it won't swing. I just cllck at the zombies and they tear the flesh from my bones. :o

Sula, you need to "reload" the hatchet to be able to use it.

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what is the advantage of using SD rounds? I'm curious

If you use SD rounds with a non silenced weapon(that is capable of using them), they don't aggro other infected and the shots can't be heard by players beyond around 100m-200m. It will sound like a normal round to you and anyone close to you but beyond the mentioned range they are silenced.

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I play solo most of the time so I avoid fights against more than a survivor at a time if I can help it, I prefer tu use Lee Enfield due to the huge ammount of ammo scattered around and it's one-shot-one-kill thing.

For battle indoors I use the classic M1911

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was the crossbow till they have change the sight level of crouched walking.

normal carry

Primary Winchester

secondary 1911 have one and real life so it will naturally be my fav.

rarely get my hands on anything bigger or better had a m16 for all toll three minuets before server reset took it away from me. Currently have the semi auto shotgun on me now though rapid running out of ammo not to bad would rather have my Winchester though.

Edited by TheMarkedOne

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