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Kiro (DayZ)

How many FPS?

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So I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my computer. I can't run DayZ at more than 15 FPS in big cities.

So how many FPS do you get in cities and in the country side?

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I get 45-60 in the woods/country. I don't notice a dip of more than a few FPS when I'm in cities, but it seems to be a pretty common issue among other players.

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Speccs please. like the guy above said 45-60. Really depends on your system..

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Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

Intel Core i5 @ 2.67GHz

4,00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 532MHz

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1 Gb

So the game runs at around 15 FPS in big cities with everything on low, even with a resolution of 800x600.

I tried everything from this guide http://pastebin.com/BiSnmAj7 and from others.

I bought Dead Island today and can run it at 50 FPS with every setting on high and a 1680x1050 resolution.

I run Arma 2 at around 40 FPS in Cherno (I launched a custom mission with around 40 NPC) in single player.

Edited by Kiro

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Have you tweaked your config ? set all options on performance in AMD Vision control center?

Have you used -winxp in the parameters of arma 2 oa?

Edited by MrShizniz

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Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

Intel Core i5 @ 2.67GHz

4,00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 532MHz

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1 Gb

So the game runs at around 15 FPS in big cities with everything on low, even with a resolution of 800x600.

I tried everything from this guide http://pastebin.com/BiSnmAj7 and from others.

I bought Dead Island today and can run it at 50 FPS with every setting on high and a 1680x1050 resolution.

I run Arma 2 at around 40 FPS in Cherno (I launched a custom mission with around 40 NPC) in single player.

Looks like your processor is a little older. Are you on a laptop by chance?

That's a gen1 i5, correct? Those come in 2core and 4core if I'm not mistaken, and that would probably be your issue.

Your video card is fine, so the resolution probably wouldn't effect it much, this is more than likely a CPU issue.

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AMD Phenom II x6 1065t @ 4.1 ghz

4 gb RAM @ 1850+ MHZ

2x Crossfire ATI 6850 OC 900/1150 stock voltage


60+ in country, 40+ in town. Play on very high everything except post processing.

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Your hard drive is very important to this game as well because it's constantly streaming textures into a virtual ram space. If you have a shitty 5400rpm low density laptop drive it won't be able to stream very well especially if you're trying to force hi-res textures. Get an SSD for it if you don't already have one.

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Depends on server somewhat.

GTX 690

i5 3570K @ 4.5Ghz


In a "busy" scnene (City with zombies & players) I will average 45 to 60. Anywhere else upwards of 90-120. (120Hz monitor)

The single biggest frame booster in the video options that I have noticed is Object Detail. Reducing it from Very High to Very Low gains me about 10+ FPS easy.

AA is worth a couple FPS.

Textures 0 FPS difference to me.

AS 0 FPS difference to me

HDR quality 0 FPS difference for me, recommend High as it really pops the colors on screen and adds considerable visibility at night.

Post Process looks like shit anyway so I don't know who would have it on in the first place.

Video memory should be set to default on everybody's machine.

Visibility & Terrain Detail are server-side/hive.

Shadow detail is worth a couple FPS.

Vsync sucked some FPS from me, should be off for everybody as very few people I imagine are getting 60+ FPS in busy scenes.

Mainly though, see how Object Detail changes FPS for you, it seemed to be the only setting that really made a dent in my numbers.

Edited by Entaro

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Yeah I'm on a laptop, my processor is this one, it's 2 cores: http://ark.intel.com/products/52952

Is there any way to boost the hard drive speed without buying a SSD*? I heard about a program that can use the RAM as a HD, should I use it?

*btw, I already defragmented my hard drive

Edited by Kiro

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I get 30 FPS in the plains/cities.

And about 20 FPS in the woods, apparently trees are a big issue.

I really hate how Arma2 makes my PC look jack shit, even tho I can run games like Skyrim just fine...

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Yeah I'm on a laptop, my processor is this one, it's 2 cores: http://ark.intel.com/products/52952

Is there any way to boost the hard drive speed without buying a SSD*? I heard about a program that can use the RAM as a HD, should I use it?

*btw, I already defragmented my hard drive

You don't have enough RAM to use the program properly. You can put the DayZ files in the RAMdisk, but you won't see a large improvement.

Also the issue is in the cpu, not the harddrive, a standard laptop drive should be at 5400rpm, not great, but not enough to cause a massive FPS loss, not to mention the FPS loss wouldn't change much when you enter a town, you might lose 5 more fps as it has to seek textures, but that's it.

Unfortunately your options here are limited, you're using a 2 core CPU that isn't very powerful, and you can't really upgrade due to the fact that it's a laptop. You'll just have to do lower your settings as much as possible, and hope that helps.

Can probably boost the actual visual settings a bit though, your GPU is fine. No postprocessing, AA, AS filtering, or HDR though.

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I get 30 FPS in the plains/cities.

And about 20 FPS in the woods, apparently trees are a big issue.

I really hate how Arma2 makes my PC look jack shit, even tho I can run games like Skyrim just fine...

ArmA makes everyones computer cry. It's very CPU intensive. Not very GPU intensive like most of todays games.

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Unfortunately your options here are limited, you're using a 2 core CPU that isn't very powerful, and you can't really upgrade due to the fact that it's a laptop. You'll just have to do lower your settings as much as possible, and hope that helps.

I already run at the lowest possible settings. So I guess I'll have to keep playing that way :(

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The video settings for Arma really could do with better descriptions, for instance setting shadows to the lowest settings means they go on the cpu rather than to gpu. This isn't explained anywhere and the only reason I know is because Rocket mentioned it while he was playing with PCG's Evan on twitch. Play around with your settings and run the benchmarks (they are in single missions) and you'll see that some higher settings net you more frames. All this depends on your setup of course.

Also watch that visibility setting, afaik in multiplayer it's set server side.

This is worth looking at: http://www.rockpaper...ull=1#post76042

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The only way to speed up that hard-is light it fire, or maybe add some of those Flame stickers

AMD Phenom 2.61 Quad

GTX 580 3gig

Corsair ForceGT

4gigs Mem

I get 45+ pretty much everywhere, except cherno when there is lots of shit going on.

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I changed some things in the AMD control panel and set the virtual memory on C:/ to 6.5Gb.

I then tried the first benchmark from Arma Combined Operations.

With every setting to the lowest, I get 61 average FPS.

With textures, objects details and shadows set to normal, 45 FPS.

I'll try again in DayZ :)

EDIT: 13 average FPS in benchmark 2, 15 average FPS in Cherno with all settings to the lowest.

Edited by Kiro

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