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Zombies movement speed

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I know it's an alpha version, but the first thing they need to fix is the movement speed of the zombies. You can't shoot them while running. Until they are all up in your face and makes you bleed. Which makes most guns useless. If you don't 1 shot them before they start running, you'll pretty much get attacked.

Maybe give them more hp or attack. But the movement is ridicules.

Love the game !!


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I think its good as it is. But I rly hate how the zombies are dodging the bullets :(

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Ever tried running into buildings? Slows 'em down and makes it easier to kill them, even if you only have a melee weapon.

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The only problem with zombies is their ability to zig zag, I believe Rocket said something about fixing that soon.

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Ever tried running into buildings? Slows 'em down and makes it easier to kill them, even if you only have a melee weapon.

Well, ofc. Only option you got...

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You're not getting the whole picture. You go in a building, you slow zombies down, you may find some useful items inside, and you have a temporary base of operations for planning out your adventure.

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I don't think it's the movement speed that's the problem, the animation is the highest priority you can't predict there movements because they are too erratic.

Physically why couldn't the zombie's run as quick as you, they were human and the infection doesn't make them asthmatic. It just shouldn't make them bullet dodging ninja's either.

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I don't think it's the movement speed that's the problem, the animation is the highest priority you can't predict there movements because they are too erratic.

Physically why couldn't the zombie's run as quick as you, they were human and the infection doesn't make them asthmatic. It just shouldn't make them bullet dodging ninja's either.

The "infection" as people insist on calling it is clearly causing rot and decay on the "zombies" (they are zombies...admit it already...). Decay means dying muscle mass which means slower zombies.

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I know it's an alpha version, but the first thing they need to fix is the movement speed of the zombies. You can't shoot them while running. Until they are all up in your face and makes you bleed. Which makes most guns useless. If you don't 1 shot them before they start running, you'll pretty much get attacked.

Maybe give them more hp or attack. But the movement is ridicules.

Love the game !!


Agree...The fact that they run so fast and zigzag + lag around is silly ...they need to be slower and shouldnt be zigzagging at all ..the lag will mabie be fixed in time and ofc as its alpha i can see why these problems exist ...but surely they should be fixed before alot of other stuff ? there the main part of the game lol

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I know it's an alpha version, but the first thing they need to fix is the movement speed of the zombies. You can't shoot them while running. Until they are all up in your face and makes you bleed. Which makes most guns useless. If you don't 1 shot them before they start running, you'll pretty much get attacked.

Maybe give them more hp or attack. But the movement is ridicules.

Love the game !!


EXACTLY!!!! Its not like zombies are smart enough to run in zig zag playing matrix with your shots or flanking you. Zombies are stupid. They should just be running straight at you with no fear. I think zombies are slightly too fast as well. Im not a huge fan of the slow zombies but the ones in this game are just way too fast.

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My problem isnt with zombie movement speed, it's with their irregular and inconsistant running pattarns. Zombies should just do a beeline for you, not sprint, stop, sprint, stop, in your general direction until they hit you

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They are working on that right now, Rocket said that it is one of the main priorities

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The "infection" as people insist on calling it is clearly causing rot and decay on the "zombies" (they are zombies...admit it already...). Decay means dying muscle mass which means slower zombies.

Where exactly does it say the zombie's are rotting and decaying? Read the home page http://dayzmod.com/,

The outbreak has only just occurred, if they are rotting and decaying at the rate you say they will all be harmless by next tuesday.

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