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US 863 - LOL did you spot me cruising on my stolen ATV?

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I shot up your Ural, if it was you.

Doubt it was tho.

You shot me, i had a chance to D/C, but I am a man.

I didnt alt + f4

Enjoy my NVG Silenced M4 and AS50 with 6 M107 mags.

you killed my 24 day character with 461 kills but only 2 murders,



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Sounds about like myself and another member of my group...

Just logged into Us344, was checking on the Ural we had recently aquired with a lot of items including some NVGS, AS50's, L85's, and some silenced guns. Everything was all good, no items missing, no players around.

Tabbed out for about 4 minutes to post on my 'clans' forums, tabbed back in, I was dead.

Ghillie suit, NVG, camo SD M4A1, GPS, AS50 :c

Pretty sure the Ural is gone.

Another member of my group was killed with basically the same gear minus the GPS.

Today is full of loss :c

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