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Looking for a team...no...a group.

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We all need an ally, whether we want to fly solo or roll in a pack. However, as said by Dr. Wasteland also, i dont want a clan where i feel the obligation to be there every day, where if im not there the whole thing would fall apart.

I want a group to roll with if their online, whenever we have spare time. I dont want an "mlg pro" clan clawing and fighting to the top of the leaderboards. There will be no leader, and no followers, only people working together for the greater survival. This is not a banditing group, nor an anit-bandit group. This may change depending on the decisions we all make in the field.

I want a few good people who i know can have my back at the random times we play. This "unity" of people would work together whenever there are at least 2 people online. There would be no obligation of sharing, though a few cans of beans and cokes now and then to keep up health wouldnt be terrible. It would be democratic and on the fly. No huge group meetings, just on the fly decisions that dont universally effect the group.

If this relaxed, noncompetetive gameplay style suits your needs, and you want a few buddies to roll with whenever your on, contact me via message (on here, durh) or on steam @ EpikWarrior21. A mic is not needed. Current ideas for communications are exclusively Skype, and again, mic is not required.

See you on the flip side

~Supplice VI~

Time zone is EST fpr me, but keep in mind i will not be the only one in the group. Make some friends. UK people could make a few UK friends, still allowing for teamwork but not having terrible timing issues, same going for the US, and all other parts of the world.

Edited by Supplice VI
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I'm willing to, but I'm in deep at the moment,

I'm not attached to any groups or clans for the time being (I'm not even looking).

But I am interested in a group to play with on the offset, if anyone is interested Please do say so!



Edited by aznboi589

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I'd like to get some buddies too. Anyone interested feel free to add me on steam: rajziel

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This is the kind of teaming up I am looking for too, I am already in a guild/clan for other games but would be up for this, I am on British time what time zone are you?

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IM SO INTERESTED. please please PLEASE add me on skype jakethesnake1236

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Add me on skype as Riccardotje. I'm usually playing with a couple of friends on the field, wouldn't mind having you join us ;)

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im down, if anyone wants to play with me add my on skype and message me, my skype is adammasias

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A friend and I have been playing together today for half a week or so, probably logged ~40 hours, just got killed at the airstrip on a server with like 8 people...tired of getting lots of shit and getting killed for no reason. We're looking for a few people to team up with.

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Im also up for teaming up, im always getting shot so it will be good to travel as a group :) Send me a message on here or add me on steam, my steam name is XxDeathWish2011. :) I am on UK time aswell!

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I'll add you tomorrow on my steam. I am also looking for groups of players to hang out with and maybe raid some airfields.

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sounds awesome dude looking forward to it ill add you on steam

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Well you may not interested in the slightest bit, as we are a clan/team after all, but I figured I drop you a link to some information nonetheless.

As 'democracy' and 'no obligations' are pretty much our primairy goals, you might wanna give it a read whenever you have some spare time to kill.


Edited by Drasqo

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Still getting situated with the game, but always game to team up with someone when they are online.

In Game: Mattattack

Steam: Eyestigmata

Skype: Bladzors

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To everyone who replied, i will be making a thorough sweep of the thread and adding everyone who is interested. Not sure what were gonna call ourselves, so maybe that could be something we have a poll on? Nothing serious like "oh you have to vote", but if people pass around a name and it gets enough hype, we could easily adapt it. Either way a steam group will be up tomorrow, hopefully by late afternoon. Glad to see this idea was well liked!

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EVERYONE. STEAM GROUP NOW UP. If you are willing, as my steam player search is acting weird, add my on Steam @ EpikWarrior21. For the moment i CANNOT search people. Some may have gotten requests. Other may not have. Anyhow, if you are at all interested, add me. Im getting a gaming skype set up. I would share my real skype, but i wouldnt want to mix up contact lists. (Not that i dont trust you fine people on the internet). Thanks and have a good one!

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Id be up for joining playing lonewolf is pretty dull and pretty hard without blood transfusions :P

Steam Name- rickymg1994

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add my steam always looking for allies

Skype: bluddy5

Edited by Alfts

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I'm really interested

Skype: Scottwallacexd

Steam: micL

Ingame: micL

Add me! I'm on most days GMT time

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Steam name is qwertyomg

sorry lol

Edited by Alfts

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