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Keep seeing people mention. I finally found one thinking they mythical. Are there any effects or just an easter egg of sorts. Scared to drink it till I know.

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It's fine, just like other sodas, just harder to find. I've drank them before, there's nothing special about them.

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You will grow more hair though..

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They make you immune to Zombies for 5 minutes. In fact, when under the influence of Mountain Dew, being struck by a Zombie actually increases your maximum blood count. Let us know how you get on.

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According to science, your balls will shrink and you will have +1 to agility. However there is a -2 to strength. Be careful, as this is permanent.

It also adds +3 to running speed with the enchantment "caffine", so its great during an escape.

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I've only been playing Day Z for about a week, and I've still not run into a mountain dew can. Will fraps my first Dew though

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drank it while having a mp5sd and it is cursed (both are), got killed 30 min later when the dew lifted

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I found one can of mtn. dew. Was very excited as it is one of the rarest items in the game, later lost it to a glitch in which my survivor's inventory was completely wiped.

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I found one can of mtn. dew a douple days ago and I've played DayZ since may.

Edited by SadPanda

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Legends tell of a legendary thirst quencher, something that was once a common item pre-infection... Now, a treasure among the infected hospice of Chernarus. Legends say this drink can drive a man beyond his very foundations of his humanity, consorting him to Banditry; others say it grants him powers, the legendary ability of unrest, the ability to survive without sleep... Very few have found such a treasure, even less, have survived to find out it's abilities.

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I found 2 in the past 2 weeks...

Seems like someone made them more common >.>

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According to science, your balls will shrink and you will have +1 to agility. However there is a -2 to strength. Be careful, as this is permanent.

It also adds +3 to running speed with the enchantment "caffine", so its great during an escape.

Agility? Do you know how much shugar there is in Mountain dew? More a permanent fat ass I'd say.

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