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Looking for a group to regularly play with

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Hey guys

I've been playing DayZ to death lately, but I've never had the pleasure to play with other people.

I was wondering if anyone would like to play

If so feel free to add my skype: NegroUnicorn



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Im trying to get at least one other person to play with.. where are you?....like.. time zone or whatever

I'm Central Standard

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We treat all members like family and have a great time while playing DayZ Just make an application with your three friends and add me on skype.. Hope to speak to you soon!

Thanks for the info!

I'll check it out!

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Hey if your interested in joining an active community hit me up on Steam we are always looking for long term players with the right attitude (steam name Kriticalfury)

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i love this game, i have been actively playing this for 2 weeks so far, and wish to group up. i sent OP a PM please check.

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