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Hero of Canton

Experiment: Hero of Canton's used car give away!

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this was a great idea...I was just gonna watch in Cherno and see how it played out but after checkin out the place I decided to just make a run for it. Threw 2 smoke grenades and went to repair the tire, but once I got in there was alot of gunshots going off lol I'd like to think the smoke helped cover me but I have no idea.

Never had a car in this game so i'll enjoy it while it lasts!

Nice job Cobra. I was close by waiting. After my earlier encounter trying to get the car, I figured I'd stand by and watch. Your smoke completely blocked my view. I fired a few silenced shots your way after you had taken off. Heard some sniper shots as well. There was a lot of action near that vehicle. Congrats, and good thinking on the smokes.

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