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Alex (4)

Makarov SD

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Last night I encountered a guy in Cherno that we killed that had NVGs an M24, couple blood bags and a Makarov SD with Makarov SD mags... Now, I've never seen one before and my buddy in my squad told me not to pick it up in case it was added by a "hacker" now is this a new weapon or a very rare weapon or has it been acquired in a non-desirable fashion?

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Imported from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. most likely. Now if only I could find an FN2000.

Seriously I think that is a hacked item, I've never heard of a MakSD in the game, but would make more sense than a Barretta SD.

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Ok, cool. I wouldn't want to be carrying around one of those and get banned or whatnot, so I didn't pick it up and I did hide the body

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