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servers not showing up

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Are you using SixLauncher?

In-game Server browser;

Define 'not showing up' do none appear? At all.

Do they show but with a 'Red X'

If Red 'x' Check you're running Expansions\Beta, and you're up-to-date with all Patches, DayzMod Builds.

If they don't appear at all (in-game) check your filter, and obviously a local firewall.

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There was just a server beta patch pushed but without the resulting Six Launcher push of the client beta patch. People were having to update manually to 95248 for any server that runs the beta patch (like mine).

Try manually forcing 95248 to install for your client, or wait for Six Launcher to push it out (which may already be happening).

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No problem. Several people are having this issue, because a large number of the servers updated to the latest beta patch (at the request of our hosts and the DayZ team), but Six Launcher isn't pushing the client update needed.

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