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Can't use items in the quick item menu

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I'm not sure what the menu is called but when you use the mouse wheel to quickly select food or drink or bandages (that's the big one) Ever since I installed the latest patch I can only choose to switch between my weapons using that quick menu. I can still go into my gear screen and use items from there but it would be much more convenient if I could just use the mouse wheel.

Maybe I should reinstall the patch I'm not sure. Anybody else having this problem?

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First I would say read the patch notes but...

But open up your inventory and right click the items you wish to use such as food and water. That is now how you activate them.

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I see the notes, but I found this update to be frustrating to the extreme. What was the purpose of it? The menu system is already clunky and fairly difficult to use, why force us to use it even more? What if I put my food in my pocket? I don't see the upsides/point to this.

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Yeah sorry I should of read the notes. I don't mind the change but I do wish you could bandage yourself from the wheel still. That's my only complaint.

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the scroll system is way worse ... especially when you have a broken scroll button and accidentally detonate your satchel charge when your 5 meters away from it ... i really like the right click button in the gear menu ... i get to choose what i eat now :D ... although the matches are still a little bugged :C

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I have a problem, i cant eat or drink.

I Installed and i know i have to use the right mouse button. But it doesen`t work.

Anone has ideas?

And yes, my right mouse button works fine..

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I had the same thing happen to me. I had to reinstall the equip rar and it worked fine after that. Good thing too because I was about dead

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Guys, just PLACE THE ITEM IN YOUR POCKETS FIRST, as usual, THEN right clic it.

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Guys' date=' just PLACE THE ITEM IN YOUR POCKETS FIRST, as usual, THEN right clic it.


no...1st make sure you get all patches needed for the game...then they can do as you say ;)

I myself was in a hurry and only grabbed the 1.5.8, then found the others were needed also.

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