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Probable Admin Abuse US188

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Time: 6:22 PM PST

Server: US188/NY84

What happened:

My group found a flyable huey at the NWAF. We camped it for ten minutes, when 3 guys showed up at the NWAF and made their way to the huey, very recklessly. We easily sniped all three. We then split up and search the industrial buildings for parts when BOOM-server shutdown. At 6:22 PM PST. Obviously not scheduled. Server goes down until around 4AM PST. We notice it is back up around 4:30 PST, join the server and beeline to the NWAF. No huey. At the time we joined the server, there were exactly three people on.

Unfortunately no vids or pics, but i do have 3 other witnesses. We all play this game the right way, we dont hack,dupe, exploit, alt F4, etc. To finally find a huey and have the admin shut down the server just as we do is a total slap in the face to legit dayz players, and very pathetic and childish on the admins part.

Im certain this constitutes admin abuse. No way the server just shuts down at a random time for 10 hours immediately after we kill 3 guys going for a chopper.

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The Huey would have been hacked in, no flyable choppers in game right now

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really? ok... well if that's the case, then my apologies to the admin for starting this thread... but why would the server just shutdown for 10 hours at 6:22 PM?

Idk.. either way I suppose this thread can be deleted if huey's aren't even in the game right now.

BTW I had no idea huey's were taken out. was this mentioned in a changelog? Forums?

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Several weeks ago, they were causing issues.

Will be back in when resolved. If you see them now, there is /was a hacker in the server.

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Simplicity, thank you for apologizing for your defamatory claims! Helicopters have been gone for quite a while, as in at least 2 months.

As far as the server going down... I don't know about that. I was taking the bar exam and have been gone since Monday morning EST. I just got back, so I'll ask around if the server was down. I'm the only person with access (unless Vilayer had some problem), so I don't know what could have happened with that. I'm sorry for the inconveneince!

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