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My first encounter with hackers.

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So there I was, running around, scavenging. Brand new life, just found a military base, about 30 minutes into the game.

All of a sudden, I'm in the middle of a group of about 20 people in the woods somewhere. There were about 7 tents. Most of the people seemed as confused as I was. I knew what was about to happen (they didn't bring us here to play nice) so I started sprinting away. When I'm about 20 feet out, a grenade goes off behind me and almost everyone is dead. I get up and start sprinting again, when I'm teleported back to the camp and a grenade immediately goes off, killing me and anyone that survived the first.

I think that they are letting the server run for a bit, giving everyone enough time to get some cool stuff, and then teleporting everyone to them to take all of it.

Is this common? These are the first hackers I've seen, but I haven't been playing DayZ for an awfully long time. I'd really hate to see this become a common issue. What would be the point of playing if everything you find is just going to be taken by hackers?

Is there any plan to ban these people, or fix the hack itself?

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I agree it's a massive problem.

But the issue is that banning hackers only bans that particular account, so they'll just make another by buying it, and continue to fuck with people. I almost died in a similar situation last night, I logged off in time but sustained heavy wounds, while my teammates were caring for me on a DIFFERENT server, we all got killed be a DIFFERENT HACKER.


Edited by "Lost" Alice

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