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"Richard" Hacking on US 709

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A player by the name of "Richard" was hacking last night 07/22/2012 at approximately 8:35pm CST on server US 709.

I was at the NE airfield looting one of the hangars when i saw "Richard" in a military uniform rushing at me with a crowbar. After killing him i noticed alot of high value loot of which i did not take. Then as i was searching through his inventory everyone in the server was teleported to a plain, hilly area where most fell to there death but i managed to leave before dying. Afterwards i logged back on and spawned in Kamenka with all my stuff but was unconcious for too long while bleeding out. After i died i then rage quit and thats that. I hope you can ban this loser.

Thank you

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Same here! In US 245 another scripter named 'Richard' blew up the store in Elektro with satchels or something.

Edited by ScouterIV

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