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Eddie (DayZ)

What does your gun look like?

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Two identical machines (mine and my wife's). Same Arma CFG file (video settings, resolution, FOV, etc).

The only difference is that I am using a male skin, and she is using female.

Is that why the perception of the gun is off? (both are at the same view level, not zoomed in or out)



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Do you both have the same FOV settings? Check under the advanced graphics options.

P.S - If it doesn't work out between you two, a wife that enjoys Day Z sounds pretty good to me ;)

Edited by Fraggle

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Do you both have the same FOV settings? Check under the advanced graphics options.

Yes. I actually copied the Arma2 config file just to be sure, and we are using the exact same settings (default FOV)

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That's strange then, sorry that was my only guess as to why that would be.

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Actually, my last guess, I think I've cracked it! Is your wife using the female character? If so then it will be because the male and female characters have a slightly different posture, so the view from first person perspective will look slightly different. It has to be that . Now I really am out of ideas.

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That is what I first thought it may be, I have looked all over to find an image of a female first person view to double check, but it has been harder to find than you would think...

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P.s - That's my favourite gun BTW. I found one the other day and it rocks.

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Game Options -> Aiming Deadzone = Same value?

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