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Citizen1.scope error

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Every time I close down ArmA 2: O.A. and open it up, I get a message that says, [attachment=307]"No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Citizen1.scope'."I click continue and try to log in to a server and it comes up with another error saying, [attachment=308]"Robert:"You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted chernarus"and kicks me back to the server select screen. So far the only way I've been able to get around it is by using the DayZUpdater. I really don't mind having to do it but when I want to play with friends and have to sit around for 30+ min's for it to update then its a little bothersome. If anyone know how to get this to stop for good it would be really helpful.

Thank you for your time,


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Have the same problem. Checked that I downloaded all the files and the paths.

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I think I might have found the solution but not sure. When I was rechecking everything I fond in the 'Properties', 'Set Launch Options', I had "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" I took out the -nosplash.

Edit: Just reset my computer and its back to the same error.

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have you installed arma 2 or just op arrowhead?

I have both ArmA 2 and ArmA 2: O.A. instaled.

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I solved that problem uninstalling arma2 Free and installing arma 2 from CO on the same folder as OA, my advice is to reinstall the whole game, patchs and mod in order from square one. Im still having other issues thought

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I found a solution. From steam, when launching ARMA2 OA, I choose to launch ARMA 2 CO.

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