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DayZ getting stuck at loading?

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I have been having a few problems with DayZ now. First it was my battle eye not being up to date and kicking me out of servers. Now that has stopped but now, now I cant even load. I manage to get to the pool and hit ok, but after the loading screen with the tanks my screen goes black with the the loading bar in the centre. I left it for an hour Whilst I ate and still nothing. Has anybody got a solution?

PS: I looked on other forum posts but no asnwers, please help :C

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I am having the same problem when I pick to "Quickmatch." Has there been any known fix for it?

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I'm having the same problem, not sure what to do.

I'm in withdrawal. No DayZ for a day and my skin is already on fire.

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Same here, I'm getting crazy hearing to my friends playing and I can't cause I'm stuck in the damn Loading screen >:(

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One, give it time.

Two, make sure that within DayZ Six Launcher settings, you see this:


If that doesn't work, then make sure that you are joining a server with the same version as you. I can only join servers using 95208, and it is usually stated which version they are running in the description.

By the way, this often happens if you are using a torrented version of the game. Don't do it. Buy ArmA. Don't be a fag.

Edited by BrightLiteFilms

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Got the same issue, it just started few days ago ( my thread). Still trying to figure out a fix, but no success so far :/

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