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Low Gpu usage and fps drops

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My cpu hangs around 40% when running DayZ, my GPU is between 30-40% maximum although it drops down to 9-10% often.

When my GPU usage drops to 9-10% my FPS also drops down to 9-10. At 30-40% my fps is around 25-30. CPU has no change when FPS drops.

Is there any way to force dayz to utilize my CPU/GPU?

Im sick of getting that low of fps coupled with low CPU/.GPU usage.

I've tried what was suggested in stickies and i still have the FPS/GPU usage drops.

CPU: AMD phenom X4 9750 2.58ghz (oc)

MB: Asus M2N68-AM Plus

RAM: 4gb crucial ballistix PC2-6400 800Mhz

HDD: Western Digital Carvier Black 500gb

GFX: Asus GTX 460 1gb SC (oc)

PSU: Ultra LP750

Please help, i've tried everything i've seen and am having no luck with raising CPU/GPU usage, nor any luck with getting ride of the GPU/FPS drops.

Post suggestions and i will try them (again if i have before).

What im looking for: Either or Both: Increase FPS (to midigate GPU usage drops) or Fix the GPU drops so they don't occur.

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Well, you should find out, what is used for 100%, if cpu not working full power, it means, that it just has nothing to do at the moment, process is stuck somewhere else. But anyway, here are some tips to boost fps:

If that started couple of days ago - blame last beta patch, lots of guys sufferring from it and waiting for new one, including me :D

In other case you might try to add " cpuCount=4 " to arma2 launch parametrs (since you got 4 cores) and, witch is more important, find file C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA2OA.CFG, open it with a text editor and change AToC=7 to AToC=0. This will make trees look much worse, but will boost fps.

Still, keep in mind, that it is not the cpu, who caps fps, in arma it's mostly about video card, ram and sometimes, surprisingly, even hdd writing speed, cause game engines stores map(wich is huge) data in swap, not in ram.. what video-settings did you set? from my observations, V-sync decreases fps dramatically, so you can try to switch it off.

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i general, you should search for low fps posts. there are tons of tips and hits to increase performance...

those helped me a lot to set up decent settings to get this game going with my crapy laptop...

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I know this is a fairly old topic. But if someone happens to stumble upon it, and it works I'll be happy :)

I have a very decent spec machine. i5 3570k, 7970 OC, ssd. But for some reason I had terrible FPS and my GPU usage was only at <30%. I lowered every setting possible and switched to single 1080p screen. Still got rubbish FPS (<20). It seemed very random, like on a per server basis.

I tried everything. Reinstalls of arma, reinstall of windows, got know how many different command line options. Solution:

My motherboard is an Asus P8Z77-M Pro. With it comes some software which links to the BIOS. Under AI suite it's called EPU. This was set to Auto. God knows what it changes in the bios but I changed it to max performance and volia, 60+ fps with everything on very high at 5760x1080 !

So even if you don't have an Asus motherboard, check for power saving features in the BIOS.

So happy!

Edited by RichIbizaSport

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