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Online Debate: What is the Best PvP Gun in DayZ?

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What is the ultimate best gun for PvP in DayZ? Please comment over on DayZPvP.com and let us know what you think. At the end of the week I will put up a poll and we will have a vote to determine the ultimate best PvP gun in the game. Let us know what is your favorite and why.

DayZPvP.com Online Debate: What is the Best PvP Gun in DayZ?

Edited by DayZPvP.com

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No love for the AKM huh?

There's nothing to love about the AKM. It's loud as fuck and has no optics.

AS50 for daytime, night maybe M4 silenced with NVG turned on or L85 even though it's a shitty gun with an amazing site.

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Depends on the situation, but in general I'd say the M14.

Unlike the AS50 and other snipe rifles, it's actually useful at close range but you can still hit targets out to 300m with the aimpoint.

I also have an M4A1CCO SD and it's actually incredibly shit, it's only useful out until around 100m

Edited by jdz

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I find DMR to be most flexible. AS50 is godly in terms of range and damage but ammo is rare, the gun is visually huge and firing rate makes it unforgiving in close combat. Oh yeah and no NVG compatibility.

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Depends on the situation, but in general I'd say the M14.

Unlike the AS50 and other snipe rifles, it's actually useful at close range but you can still hit targets out to 300m with the aimpoint.

I also have an M4A1CCO SD and it's actually incredibly shit, it's only useful out until around 100m

The AS50 is quieter than the M14, can easily hit targets at 1k meters, and is always a one hit kill.

The M14 doesn't even compare. Not worth being mentioned on this list, just like the AKM.

M14 is good if you have absolutely nothing else, but i'd actually take an AK Kobra over that thing.

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>Pew, Pew.

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Overall it's the DMR. DayZ PvP is all about getting the jump on your opponent, and the DMR is simply hands down the best all around gun in the game. It's easy to aim without a crosshair for most veteran competitive CS players, and the DMR is almost unrivaled in terms of power, number of rounds, accuracy, range, utility, etc.

AS50 is only better during the day, at night time the lack of night vision really hurts the AS50 big time.

Edited by allbusiness

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Overall it's the DMR. DayZ PvP is all about getting the jump on your opponent, and the DMR is simply hands down the best all around gun in the game. It's easy to aim without a crosshair for most veteran competitive CS players, and the DMR is almost unrivaled in terms of power, number of rounds, accuracy, range, utility, etc.

AS50 is only better during the day, at night time the lack of night vision really hurts the AS50 big time.

Lack of a single shot kill and variations on milldot rangefinding make the DMR pretty shitty. If it's not a one hit kill, i'd rather have an L85. At least that zeros in.

As far as i'm concerned, the DMR is quite possibly the worst sniper rifle in the game. It's probably night vision enabled for that very reason(Much like the L85, on it's merits as an actual rifle, ranks pretty damned low).

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I really like the zeroing, power, open sights, and ease of procurement of the AKM, but if I find a Kobra and ammo, of course that is better for PvP.

I don't do much sniping, MG's, or silenced so I have to say this is my order for assault rifles or carbines:

M4 CCO (common ammo)

Kobra (ammo harder to find)

AKM (found every where)

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depends on the situation, here's the list of my faves, in order from top to bottom:


Bizon PP-19 SD (Its equivalent to baby jesus on a pterodactyl, but ammo is shithard to find)

Remington 870 Torch (I can kill a guy at 70 yards with pellets, which is about the most range you would use an SMG anyways, and it is still a one-shot kill compared to the M104's 2 shot kill and no flashlight)

PDW (can take a LOT of different ammo [M9, M9SD, G17, PDW Mag (rare as fk, found by PDW only), MP5 Mag, MP5SD mag] and doesnt take your weapon slot, leaving you free for other tasks)

FN FAL (one-shot kill but you will probably have to find a crash site every 5 seconds due to smaller magazine sizes and rarity of magazines)

Long Range:

M24 (Accurate, not the best damage in the world but ammo is plentiful between M24 and DMR ammo you can convert)

DMR (just cuz of night vison and ammo is plentiful between DMR and M24 you can convert)

M14 (Ok, I know it is a battle rifle techically and should be used at medium range, but I can still hit guys at the same range of a DMR with a binoculars and the spacebar :3 )

CZ 550 (seems like a retarded thing to put here but got my first kill with one so it deserves a place)

The reason I didn't list the M107 or AS50 are simply because of how damn rare they are, only ever found an m107 once naturally and it was off a dude at NW who just picked it up, never found ammo for it untill I died. The DMR is ok, it just requires a little more skill to use the mildots at a longer ranges.

Now if only we could perform melee moves like breaking people's necks

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Smoke grenades, tin cans, and doors/gates. For obvious reasons

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No love for the AKM huh?

I'd take a M4 or AK74 over the AKM any day. Way too much recoil on that thing

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