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Absolutely no zombies spawning.

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Pretty much what the title says.

Zombies don't show up at all, even when I've played with my friends and they can all see the zombies, shoot, kill and be attacked by them just like normal. It's almost as if I don't exist.. But only to the zombies because I've been attacked by other players and such.

Anyway, I have little clue on what to do, I've tried restarting it and have made sure that I've got the latest patch because I only just stopped playing with my friends now.

I'd love some help, because after some of the posts and complains I've seen on here, this game sucks without zombies!

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Buming this. Still not working and I've tried re-installing.

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I just got this error if it helps in anyway.

ca\chernarus\data\scenes\intro.chernarus\mission.sqm/intro/groups/item1/vehicles/item 0.vehicles: vehicle class villager 1 no longer exists

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