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Another "New Player" Thread =)

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Hi all! I've been folowing this game for a looooooong time now. Checking the forums, youtube vids and so forth, and i was really hooked into the atmosphere of the game.

And then came the Steam Summer Sale :P

I've played some...4-6hs maybe in total. First time i spawned i don't think i lasted more than 30 mins due to a bandit killing me.

I'm on my second re-spawn. So far i've found a better backpack, a Winchester, a Lee Enfield, ammo (this last 2 on my pack for a friend joining also), coke cans, a watch (?) and some food, as well as other useful items. Traveled through some small towns, got chased by Zombies, got HIT by zombies...lost 9k hp...but i'm still having a lot of fun!!

i'm trying not to use any website maps to discern my location since (now at least) i want to play it and enjoy it with the in-game given tools.

I am not attached to my gear...i know i can die in any moment. So far i've tried to avoid other players (saw a couple in the distance). I am friendly enough, but i wont hesitate in killing if it comes to that.

Overall, this game is great! Hopefully the devs keep updating the game more and more. I would prefer getting the bugs fixed before trying to implement something new though.

See you in-game!

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Glad you like the game man. Hope you have fun :D

And ya, don't get attached to your gear, it doesn't help when a sniper picks your head off x3

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So...status update!

I have a couple of friends who joined the game with me as well. Got the chance to play solo and now (after some deaths in the way, last respawn was quite near 2 of them) i got to play in group for a while.

Even though i got killed a couple of times (2 by players, 2 by broken bones in the middle of nowhere, and one that i logged on over a tree (?)...) i am still enjoying the game. Indeed, i believe one of the funniest moments is the initial search for gear when you don't have any weapons at all.

I am starting to play in a group now, and the experience is, albeit different from solo, equally fun!

I can easily say that i don't regret buying the game at all. This mod is great!

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