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[HELP] Extremely blurry graphics.

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Yesterday I was enjoying dayz as normal, the game was running completely fine. After I took a break for about an hour I started up dayz via sixlauncher and the game looked like this http://puu.sh/KZrk // http://i.imgur.com/P5K0M.png // Changing the settings does nothing and I've already reinstalled the game. I've searched the web for this problem and haven't found a solution so I was wondering if someone could help me. Thanks.. - R

Edited by vremy

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Turn post processing off, make sure your running your screen res and 3d res at the same setting.

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just kidding, did you try setting your graphic driver settings to default or updateing your driver. maybe you changed some settings on their.

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Turn post processing off, make sure your running your screen res and 3d res at the same setting.

I'm pretty much sure this is your problem, change those settings and it should be fixed.

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Does ARMA II run on it's own? Post hardware specs. Reset Dayz default configs and test. Standalone ARMA II or Steam version?

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Is it just the HUD that have these graphical artifacts or is it the whole game. Also posting your system specs can help in these situations.

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Turn post processing off, make sure your running your screen res and 3d res at the same setting.

Is there a way to do this out side of the game? I cant see which ones to click and change because its so blurry.

just kidding, did you try setting your graphic driver settings to default or updateing your driver. maybe you changed some settings on their.

i'll try unistalling my drivers and reinstalling.

Does ARMA II run on it's own? Post hardware specs. Reset Dayz default configs and test. Standalone ARMA II or Steam version?

Arma is blurry aswell. I'll post hardware when I am home. How do I reset default? And it's the steam version.

Is it just the HUD that have these graphical artifacts or is it the whole game. Also posting your system specs can help in these situations.

It is both the hud and graphical artifacts. I'll post them when I'm home.

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Bump. Sorry for the bump but i really need help.

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is your 3d rez turned down ingame?

I've messed with both the resolution and 3d multiple times. I've matched them up, turned them down.. etc..

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