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Multiple Tents in Barn

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Just a quick question to the nice guys here.. Im not playing that much anymore but yesterday I found 8 tents next to each other in a barn, tents were full of assault rifles and equipment.

Hack or no hack ?

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We have had up to 20 tents with guns and ammunition found on daily raids. Not really a hacker tbh

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How can 8 tents fit into a barn?

Edit: Ok, I think you mean the long ones.

Edited by Levias

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no 8 tents.. partially sticking into each other in the small barn, 1 entrance, wooden and closed back door..

and Marius.. they were INSIDE the building.

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shouldn't be able to pitch tents in a barn,

maybe hack maybe glitch

tents clipping into each other could be duped

grab what you want/need and destroy it

or camp the camp and see who would show up

Edited by Azrail

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hm yeah.. the tents, clipping into each other, hidden in a barn doesnt seem to be legit.

yeah sure I grabbed 2 rifles and ammo.. will destroy it then.

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Some glitch probably. Back when placing a tent was nearly impossible, we found 4 overlapping tents placed on a 45-degree slope.

Edited by KizUrazgubi

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I have two examples that happened to myself for clipping tents:

-you have 2 tents in your main inventory. You want to set one up (you remember that you have to try multiple times). Unfortunately the server lags right the moment you pitch your tent, you don't notice the lag and click "pitch tent" again...after the lag ends you have set both tents at exactly the same spot.

-you set up a tent but you don't like the way it is, so you pack it and set it up a little bit different. After the server restarted there are 2 tents, one at the place where you put it first and one at the other place, so they clip into each other. Funny thing is, both are usable, but when you click on the "duplicated" one to pack it, the game packs the original tent.

There are some exploits in the game that you just can't (or only hardly) avoid.

Edited by Agonythy

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