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MERGED: Different Islands

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Lingor island is really much more suitable for dayz - many large towns, tropical terrain.

Many entrable buildings aswell.





Is it possible to make a version of missions on that map?


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Doesn't look to bad, would probably run smoother then Chernarus but i don't think anyone is going to make a decision to implement the map in a while, especially not this early in the Alpha. I like it though bro.

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It is 9x9, but actually, it has more usable zones, instead of war-oriented chernarus hills and forests

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The maps need to stay large, whilst I'd love more towns, loot, and less running.

My concern is when vehicles are added they won't be as useful as a means of travel, and much harder to hide when not in use or just approaching town without attracting every zombie and player in surrounding villages and cities.

Perhaps for a smaller capacity server if one comes up in the future? but right now with everything Russian themed in Alpha, save it for Beta.

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i think the chernaurus map fits very well. i wouldn't want a different map.

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While I normally like Lingor alot, I dont think it is fitting for DayZ. Lingor has too much water and doesn't really run that well.

There are plenty of other, more suitable maps around though.

Tasmania might be good.


What I really like about chernarus is the idea of starting on the south/east coast and working your way inland, where you actually have to worry about water supplies if you dont manage to find a well/pond.

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I adopted mod's config files for that island, so it needs only a standalone database (which is needed anyway against server hopping farm IMHO),

Its really hard to show whole thing ingame in one video, so there is my trying to approach to one of south towns. Many interactive buildings included.

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In my opinion the map needs to be a lot bigger rather than smaller.

But yeah, at the moment Cherno seems rather small - Forget what people say about a lack of transport, I can make a circuit of the map's edges in less than 2 hours, and that includes time spent finding supplies and fighting off the odd zombie attack. A player can get from the South coast to the North border on foot in 25 minutes or so.

Lingor would be nice if it weren't for the fact that it's even smaller than Chernarus.

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Whats the point in size, when atm in cherno the only reasonable location is Nw airfield? At lingor you have several large cities, military bases and objects.

Empty forests of cherno do not make it more interesting to play - respawn, regroup with your mates, go to airfield, grab some guns... respawn, regroup...

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That's not how most people play though. There are many places to visit and "set-up" at. The NW airfield just has the highest risk and reward, but you can find the same great gear elsewhere too.

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Can anyone send me a PM how to get a map into the game? would love me some help. :)

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doesnt look even half as good as chernarus, and im not bein funny but they look like arma 1 graphics.

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well how about Ovaron? Huge map and every building is open. Very similar to chernarus


This x 1' date='000,000


Sounds awsome, if so many enterable buildings (with items spawns in them) wouldnt completely kill the servers it would be amazingly better than the current chernarus map, also boats would get an actual use this map has continuos inland rivers connect to the sea.

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I wonder if ARMA3 will be able to handle city maps? It probably STILL can't but it would be fantastic as that is kinda what dayz needs, have large city map the size of current. Probably will never be technically possible for ARMA based engine, but can only hope.

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There is a lot of awesome maps in ARMA and some probably very suitable for DayZ.

I would imaging adding Zed's, equipment, spawnpoints and then scripting it all to work, requires significant effort. For now, Rockets priorities should lie in fine tuning the general functionality of the MOD it self.

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+2 for Lingor. I think it would be really good idea to try different maps, I'm kinda sick of chernarus.

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I think that exporting dayz is wrong...expanding it is good..

Actually i hope dayz get exported to ARMA 3.

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I wonder if ARMA3 will be able to handle city maps? It probably STILL can't but it would be fantastic as that is kinda what dayz needs' date=' have large city map the size of current. Probably will never be technically possible for ARMA based engine, but can only hope.


Every play the Fallujah map? It is one rather large city that encompasses most of the map, and is plenty big enough to warrant road and helicopter transport.


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I adopted mod's config files for that island' date=' so it needs only a standalone database (which is needed anyway against server hopping farm IMHO),

Its really hard to show whole thing ingame in one video, so there is my trying to approach to one of south towns. Many interactive buildings included.


How did you managed to play DayZ in local like that ?

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I'd love to see several more maps for this mod, but as pointed out already we really need servers running their own databases first.

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