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Liquidator (DayZ)

Bandit Clan Recruiting

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Bandit Group Recruiting.

We have a group of 11 People in our clan right now and we are looking for more people to join our clan

We will accept people who have good banter

7 Scottish

2 Irish

2 English

Preferably looking for people who are sound with good banter and can speak good English.

We have a teamspeak server and if you want to join i will private message you the ip

Edited by Liquidator
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Hi, I would like to join. My character's recently died though so I'd be starting with nothing. I'm English by the way. Please private message me the IP and other details?

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Hey, I would like to join! My character recently got kicked in a lag spike.

-I got a good-working mic.

-I'm 18 and have enough time to play.

-I am American but live in the Netherlands.

-I know how to play stealthily (Evasion of zombies etc.)

-Know my way through the game.

-And just looking for some serious mates to play with ( All my other friends are idiots )

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I'm looking for new players to jam with, I'm from NY (-5EST) I've been plying for about 2 months now and I am a "experienced" bandit. Hit me liquidator.

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A bunch of english faggots betryed us today for our enfields! Daftys. If they waited 5 min's we were going north were we had a guy with 2 barrets on him. and a tent with 3 NL fal night visions. Retarded english eh?

Yeah maybe some , why would they take enfields must have been noobs , you can find that gun anywhere

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Yeah maybe some , why would they take enfields must have been noobs , you can find that gun anywhere

True you can find it anywhere. But it's a damn good gun. You wouldn't like to get shot by one.

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Also, liquidator. I PMed you. I'd like to be a Field Medic. It should be rather fun in intense fire-fights, I'd more than likely be providing a crucial service.

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Hook me up. I'm not new, but i was recently backstabbed an lost everything.

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me and my friend are looking for a group of mature players to play with and we are both 28 and from the UK ( steam name KingProk )

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american!! ive played for 2 weeks and im pretty good first life i got 50 zombie kills and 4 murders can i join steamname: FappableFrog

Edited by erock123

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