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Alt F4 is it okay in this situation?

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Okay is it okay to alt f4 if i have full gear and someone hacks to me?

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Officially, no, but I doubt anyone will do anything about it. And I'd not blame you for doing it personally. ^^

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hackers ruin games, so yea id say you made the right choice

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Hacks you? As in teleports you? Makes you walk around like a goat?

I would say yes, in these cases it`s pretty obvious someone is screwing around..the only reason why people should ALT F4 imho.

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He hacked to me made me do pushups and he had a G36 SD so I am almost 100% certain its a hacker.

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in my book its ok to use bugs/exploits to counter other bugs/exploits/cheats.

like, 20 zeds clip on you through a wall -> instant dc.

like, the whole server is suddenly blowing up -> instant dc.

bugs/cheats don't belong to intended game content, so no point in losing your stuff to them if you can avoid it.

however, if there is any fair pvp envolved or if there is any possible way to get out alive i will stick with it.

Edited by Azrail
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in my book its ok to use bugs/exploits to counter other bugs/exploits/cheats.

like, 20 zeds clip on you through a wall -> instant dc.

like, the whole server is suddenly blowing up -> instant dc.

bugs/cheats don't belong to intended game content, so no point in losing your stuff to them if you can avoid it.

however, if there is any fair pvp envolved or if there is any possible way to get out alive i will stick with it.

So its okay to steep down to their level to combat them? The only people who need to combat a hacker is a server admin. Not some vigalante player who thinks using bugs and cheats is okay if you are trying to stop someone else from doing it. You are only contributing to the problem.

Edited by Grimlok

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Make sure they're really hacking, if not then don't, they deserve the loot because they've outsmarted you. Again only force quit when you are sure.

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So its okay to steep down to their level to combat them? The only people who need to combat a hacker is a server admin. Not some vigalante player who thinks using bugs and cheats is okay if you are trying to stop someone else from doing it. You are only contributing to the problem.

i am talking about alt+f4 in case i face obvious hacks. read carefully.

another example:

server hopping - you clear an area building and suppose its secure, then a hopper spawns behind you. if i am not sure i can take him down, i will dc instantly.

same with ghosting. i am not playing with douche bags, i will instead go and try to find a server with fine folks.

Edited by Azrail

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Who gives a shit really how morally justifiable it is.

I've died multiple times to hackers teleporting me, around the map, into the air, exploding the server etc.

I'd dc, and your not stooping to a level whoever said that's an idiot your avoiding permadeath and hours upon hours of character creation at the hands of someone who is cheating

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i think if you do that then you care too much about your character/items.

you're not meant to live forever, it's actually a fine line between alt+f4ing from a hacker and alt+f4ing when someone starts sniping you and you can't find them etc.

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Who gives a shit really how morally justifiable it is.

I've died multiple times to hackers teleporting me, around the map, into the air, exploding the server etc.

I'd dc, and your not stooping to a level whoever said that's an idiot your avoiding permadeath and hours upon hours of character creation at the hands of someone who is cheating

Attatched to your gear huh? lol its babys like you who ruin the mod for people.

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happened to me once, I was sitting in hospital, waiting for a friend to rejoin, as he had to reboot his PC, clearing out my inventory, suddenly, BLAM, and I was on some sort of field, where there was few bushes around, and there was roughly another 20-30 players too, all somehow shocked, everyone just started running away, to closest bushes/forest to take cover... once I have heard gunshots, I was like 'Ok, now I am screwed and I am gonna die' to TS, then a friend told me to log off asap, so I did... after a while I decided to log back in, expecting the worse, that I'll have no gear, will be somewhere in middle of nowhere, and will need to find my way out..

Well guess what, after logging in, I was again in the hospital, BUT I had some items that I threw away from my inventory some time ago, and I had no medical equipment which I picked up in the hospital... not sure what happened and why...

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Personally I hate it when people DC. I guess if they are blatantly hacking and there are no chances of survival it's okay. But to me it's a game. You will die and you will have to start from scratch. I find that scavenging as a fresh spawnee is one of the most fun aspects of the mod. You're at your most vulnerable time and strategy is key. A solution needs to be found to DCing because we all know how annoying it is when we get the upper-hand and our opponent disconnects; what's even more so irritating is the "If they DC when I shoot them, I'm going to DC when they shoot me" attitude. Generally I think players should be more trusting of other people, co-operation with other players can be fun. Trust is something that's supposed to grow on players over time and if you value your gear so much. Then store your most important items in a well hidden camp before you go around looking for other loot. Perhaps if more people did this then there would be less agressive players that follow the "shoot on sight" basis. The amount of times I've been shot by heavy gear as a fresh spawnee in Cherno/Elektro, but for what? a bandage? Seriously, they could get that from the building that they're laying on's roof.

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He hacked to me made me do pushups and he had a G36 SD so I am almost 100% certain its a hacker.

is there really any room for discussion here? in the scenario presented its obviously ok to gtfo.. being forced into push up animations while the guy puts gun to your head.. no room for discussion

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