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Add notes to tents

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Is it possible to make it so that you can leave a note in a tent

The note could just be read as an inventory item would describe its use

with a limit to the characters

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Not only in tents^^ it would be fun to be able to leave notes anywhere:)

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Not only in tents^^ it would be fun to be able to leave notes anywhere:)

Now THATS a great idea! take mah beans!

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Not only in tents^^ it would be fun to be able to leave notes anywhere:)

Infinite possiblities right there, my backpack will be full of awful and somewhat offensive messages dedicated to my killer/looter.

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:o Combine this idea with throwing knifes, so you can throw a knife through a paper on a tree, or maybe crossbow+bolts.

Would be epic to kill people with a bolt through their head holding a paper with "Lol, you died"

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I like the idea of tents having a note that anyone can edit, like ships can in PuzzlePirates(only officers of the crew could though.) The owner can label what he put in, so he'll notice if something was stolen or the server ate his stuff. I'm always placing tents and not remembering when I did it or what I put in it, or the last time I replaced stuff after a server restart. I'm having to make notepads on my desktop, with map screenshots, just to keep track.

Also, I was stalking a couple of unarmed players, and they arrived at their tent. Then one saw me and scuttled away, probably since he saw that I was holding an AK. I wish I could leave a note in their tent saying "sorry for scaring you, next time you won't see me."

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