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doesn't seem too much different to me as far as stopping power goes, still kills Zs with one shot to the upper torso/head at close to medium range.

it does alert them at a seemingly much greater distance but I like the change, it feels more appropriate considering the sound we hear is pretty loud. And it still fits my play style as a (so far) entirely non pvper, I only shoot if I'm either at range or in 'oh shit' moments when I've already accidentally alerted the friendly little cuddle monkeys.

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The Chester was fairly overpowered all around. Haven't tried the new version yet but sounds like well justified fix.

*Gently strokes my Reminton 870* (Wondering if I still have 1014 pellets for that when I come online)

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The Winchester is a rifle. Rifles have a rifled barrel, shooting pellet with it will just wreck the barrel. It's a reasonable change. As for sound, I've yet to shoot it in a zombie infested place....maybe its just because I'm not dumb enough to shoot anything in a zombie infested place. Be sneaky gentlemen and take what you need and want and get out safely. Cheers.

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The Chester was fairly overpowered all around. Haven't tried the new version yet but sounds like well justified fix.

*Gently strokes my Reminton 870* (Wondering if I still have 1014 pellets for that when I come online)

You will still have the pellets!

*Hugs my Remington 870*

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i don't understand why pellets were removed' date=' if anything the slugs were out of place.

looking at starter weapons,

the winchester should take the role of a CQC shotgun

the enfield is for medium-long range

and the CZ is a pure long-range pvp tool

with slugs, the winchester overlaps with the enfield, and is probably the better gun. it's just as powerful against zombies, but significantly quieter and with a lot more ammo. i think making it buckshot only would place it in its proper niche as THE zombie killing weapon of choice, while compromising on PVP capabilities. a perfect role for such a ubiquitous and noob-friendly gun.


The issue is, the Winchester in-game is NOT a shotgun, and as such has no issue firing pellets, it is a rifle, not a shotgun.

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Definitely died on my 300+ kill 4 day survivor simply because this gun now attracts every zombie for miles. They respawn quicker than I can kill them and I was in a warehouse. I like that it is just slugs now, but you might want to look into re-tuning the volume of some of these guns :)

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I think the starter weapons should be increased in number to 4, and consist of the following:

1. A civilian shotgun (20 gauge?) with only pellets available: very short range, low noise, high damage. A good zombie killer weapon and a decent CQB weapon if you don't have to worry so much about fitting it through doorways.

2. A low-caliber rifle (eg .22 LR) with plentiful ammo: medium to long range, low-moderate noise, low damage. These will be ubiquitous in the zombie apocalypse—actual zombie survival nutjobs stockpile the stuff! It will give us a not-fuckoff-loud option for killing zombies at range and engaging in pvp, with its low damage being the downside.

3. A solid bolt-action rifle, much like the Enfield is now. Loud, long range, high damage.

4. A sniper. The current CZ is basically fine. Extremely loud (make sure it's actually louder than #3), extreme range, high damage.

Right now it seems like the winchester and enfield both fill role #3, you have to seek out a M1014/remington to fill role #1, and only assault rifles can actually fill role #2.

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just tested the gun, i usually attract 1 - 2 zeds, now i got 13 from 1 shot. LOL

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The damage changes seem reasonable (possibly too much, -25% might have been better), but the thing is definitely too loud now. It was unquestionably too quiet before but now it seems as loud as the enfield, which doesn't make sense given that it is a much lower powered round.

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just tested the gun' date=' i usually attract 1 - 2 zeds, now i got 13 from 1 shot. LOL


Yea it is really overbalanced now, since ammo is abundant for it I can understand it being a little louder. In its current state it is like a blaring siren that calls all zombies for miles. Its not even a matter of being careful, there is absolutely no way to survive with that thing equipped in its current state. Either it needs to be quieter or zombie respawn rate reduced.

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From what I can understand from the script files, the Winchester now has an alert range of 125 Metres. To put this into comparison, the CZ550 has an alert range of 150 Metres.

I made up a little diagram using Chernogorsk so people can get a better perspective of the ranges.


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From what I can understand from the script files' date=' the Winchester now has an alert range of 125 Metres. To put this into comparison, the CZ550 has an alert range of 150 Metres.

I made up a little diagram using Chernogorsk so people can get a better perspective of the ranges.


Is there a definitive list of these? I would love to see a simple list of weapons and their alert ranges.

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From what I can understand from the script files' date=' the Winchester now has an alert range of 125 Metres. To put this into comparison, the CZ550 has an alert range of 150 Metres.

I made up a little diagram using Chernogorsk so people can get a better perspective of the ranges.


How do you check those things? Interesting info to be found, I'm sure. :)

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Thats really helpful, explains why I got swarmed multiple times.. If rocket keeps that radius then the zombie respawn timer needs to be decreased, i cant even kill them all before i aggro more that have respawned 100 meters away.

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I'd really be interested in seeing what the radius is for all the different weapons, but since the Winchester was what changed... how does it compare to the enfield's aggro radius now? Is the Enfield 125 too? Or 150 like the CZ550?

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Is there a definitive list of these? I would love to see a simple list of weapons and their alert ranges.

Unfortunately there is not. I am still working through it but it seems the distance that the Zombies react to a gunshot is based off a formula using various variables of the specific ammo you are using. (Not the weapon)

ie. Distance = AudibleFire * 10 * Caliber

In the case of the Winchester it is : 25*10*0.5 = 125

In the case of the CZ550 it is : 18*10*0.83 = 149.4

I am not 100% sure this is correct, but I am fairly confident I am getting somewhere.

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Have any of you ever shot one in real life? They are just as loud as a Lee Enfield if not louder.

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Is there a definitive list of these? I would love to see a simple list of weapons and their alert ranges.

Unfortunately there is not. I am still working through it but it seems the distance that the Zombies react to a gunshot is based off a formula using various variables of the specific ammo you are using. (Not the weapon)

ie. Distance = AudibleFire * 10 * Caliber

In the case of the Winchester it is : 25*10*0.5 = 125

In the case of the CZ550 it is : 18*10*0.83 = 149.4

I am not 100% sure this is correct' date=' but I am fairly confident I am getting somewhere.


Where can I find these variables, I'm willing to help dig up data.

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Where can I find these variables' date=' I'm willing to help dig up data.


I found the Winchester data in the dayz_Weapons.pbo files and had a quick look in the original Arma 2 files for a comparable weapon like the CZ550. It is just a matter of hunting for them.

I must point out that I am not 100% positive on the CZ550 as it seems to actually use 7.62x51 ammo but 7.62x51 does not have a "caliber" variable. Only the 7.62x39 does.

I'd really be interested in seeing what the radius is for all the different weapons' date=' but since the Winchester was what changed... how does it compare to the enfield's aggro radius now? Is the Enfield 125 too? Or 150 like the CZ550?


I was curious about the Enfield as well. Unfortunately I couldn't find any data for it. I think it might be locked away in the 'British Armed Forces' DLC, although I haven't had a good look.

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Best find a 1911 or Revolver and get up close for your kills.

The Enfield is either from ArmA2 or Operation Arrowhead.

Just because it's a British gun, doesn't mean it's from BAF............. this isn't WWII.

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I honestly don't notice the winchester changes. I loaded some slug rounds, started a genocide on zombies like usual and logged off, wasn't a big difference for me. I suppose maybe it's not completely overpowered, but it still works good enough for my playstyle.

Now the frame issue, that's something that annoys me.

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2. A low-caliber rifle (eg .22 LR) with plentiful ammo: medium to long range' date=' low-moderate noise, low damage.


.22LR rifles start to become useless past 100m. They are short range weapons.

They are indeed quiet, and would be useful, but trajectory becomes a rainbow after 50-75m, and velocity falls rapidly. Medium-long range, it is not.


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I didn't notice much either.

Shot a goat right on the NW runway not very far from some zeds and they didnt notice. I did use pellets if it matters.

Slugs take down zeds in 1 shot and i didn't notice any 'extras' being alerted around a town.

Ill still be using it.

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