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TheUsedQtip's New Let's Play

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Hey guys, you probably know me as the guy who can't shoot worth shit in his Elektro sniping videos. I blame the DMR but you guys blame my crappy skills. I am making a new Let's Play series by the demand of my viewers. You should check it out and at least give me a shot. If anything, leave some feedback at what you would rather see. The people dictate what I do.

Thanks everyone,

MatthewC (TheUsedQtip)

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Let's try this...

Episode 5: Low Moral Standing

Edited by MatthewC

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Hey guys, I appreciate you taking time out of your day to check out my videos. I just wanted to say that my channel has been updated and my content reflects these major changes. I have a better computer and a solid editing software. I hope you guys check out my higher quality work with a more variety in games/commentaries. http://bit.ly/RNwYiQ

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I have added a new Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition let's play to my channel. Check it out @

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