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Insurmountable Odds

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I just installed patch and logged on to one of the servers switched over. I was in the grocery store in Stary Sobor, no loot from the login, so I made my way to a building, Zed picked up on me so I went inside and crouched, picked him off when he came through the door. He screamed and another 25 zombies came, killed them all, I wasn't upset I had an AKM with 5 clips and a revolver with 4, killed them all then moved back to the grocery store to get some matches for the new temperature system.

Another zed screamed and followed me.

I was confuse because I figured my intial shot wouldb'e pulled them all, but I blasted him from inside the grocery store. another 25 zeds showed up, then another 25, just continuous pouring into the store and lumbering along to death. The building I just came from, killing 25zeds was about 30 meters away, and the entire group I had aggroed seemed to be nothing.

The zombies kept coming, I was up to 112 zombies so far and I was nearly out of AKM ammo. I couldn't beleive it, I had NEVER, EVER had to fight this many zombies before, not in Stary Sobor, not even in Cherno, but now I was up to 140 in the Grocery store.

Click click, out of AKM ammo.

I thought well shit, there can't be mroe then 150 in the town, I still heard groans so I switched to my revolver and ran toward the military camp in town, I got inside the long building south of it and waited for the 'few' I thought were chasing me to come to the door. I settled down, dropped a chem light on the door and waited. 15 town zombies ran through the door, and with them came 11 military zombies, running, crawling. I fired my revolver at them, killed them all and finally with one bullet left they were all dead, Roughly 160 zombies I had to kill in Stary Sobor.

THen a bandit ran in from the opposite end and headshotted me from across the long building in the dark, awesome.

I just don't get it, did this patch make Zombie count/respawn insane, I've never had to fight so many zeds in such a short peoid of time, EVER, what the hell happened?

I was armed to the teeth, 5 akm mags, 4 revolver clips thats 174 potential zombie kills and I needed every shot to get through a medium sized town, jesus.

tldr: Zombie count/respawn, verily high, wtf?

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I realize it's alpha, but is anyone else experiencing these horrors?

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I thought most of the time (if servers weren't having issues) as soon as you killed the ones that aggro'd new ones spawned to replace them? I can't remember a time that I could ACTUALLY clear a place for even a few minutes. Maybe it took longer for me to loot certain places that I didn't notice that it was cleared for a bit. /shrug

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Zeds are supposedly supposed to investigate player deaths, maybe they are also investigating zed deaths? :p

Most likely more zeds spawning when you're shooting however..

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Yeah, I found an M4 and 4 mags in Berezino and figured i'd get out of town so I wouldn't have to use them all immediately. And then I was attacked by 115 zambies. They respawn faster than you can kill them.

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You mentioned the bandit coming in end to kill you. Zombie spawns are local to each client, and I guess the more clients (players) in the area, the more zombies will spawn too. There might have been several bandits somewhere around you, who all caused more zombies to spawn. You shooting around attracted all of those zombies to your position.

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Maybe the zombie respawn timers haven't properly been fixed. x_X maybe they've been decreased in time to respawn instead by accident D:

Though I've had similar situations like this recently and earlier today, nearly had 70+ kills in a short space of time, they just keep coming and coming, respawning and respawning, and that was just with only a Winchester being used. Have yet to see what it's like with the patch.

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