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[SAS] Clan and Admin, US 700. Jets, Helis, Invincibility (Video Inside)

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Found another video someone else uploaded to youtube of [sAS] Banksy flying a chopper on US 742

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I had a lmg the other day and all the gear I ever wanted and was so happy and running along and got lit up by a guy that just wouldn't die even when I shot over 100 lmg bullets into him...... Must've been one of these pricks

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You know, bumping here isn't good enough. Go make official support ticket regarding hacking at support.dayzmod.com. Global banning hackers seems to be legit for me. :D

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You know, bumping here isn't good enough. Go make official support ticket regarding hacking at support.dayzmod.com. Global banning hackers seems to be legit for me. :D


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Also, well done Elden. Thank you for your hard work in gathering the evidence.

Edited by BobJoeXXI
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Hey, it wasnt all Elden you know! There was about 6 of us :')

Thanks to all of you. It must suck having to play on a server trusting the admin to do the right thing only to be raided by the admin and his clan using hacks.

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good catch, have you raised a ticket though cause with the amount of threads that get posted its likely to get lost.


Not much to say, have you? After being adamant about banning hackers, your clan are hackers themselves. Ironic. The loudest of the admins demanding respect and having the right to ban on their servers are actually hackers. Figures.

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[sAS] and {SAS} are different clans from what I could tell - the latter are uk based.

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You'd think if they were gonna hack in vehicles and fly them around throughout the day they would be smart enough to disable nameplates.. what a pack of morons. Ban away.

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[sAS] and {SAS} are different clans from what I could tell - the latter are uk based.

Aye not sure anyone has us confused though do they ? :huh: we are deffo nothing to do with these guys and we are indeed as you say UK based running UK22.

Edited by {SAS}Stalker

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I like how Stalker isn't posting in this thread.

This proof could also shed light on other accusations against this clan from the past. All those people shouting "this clan is a bunch of hacker" were right all along.

No mercy for assholes like these. Blacklist their servers; shame on the clan, shame on Stalker and shame on KraaZe. They are all a bunch of hackers.

Maybe you should get your facts straight before you make post likes this like Stalker says {SAS} is uk 22 and [sAS] is US. We have nobody in the {SAS} clan called KraaZe. Maybe having the same name has lead to accusations being made about the uk server in the past when it is in fact the other SAS servers.

Please make sure you have the correct SAS server.

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As pointed out

[sAS] us 700 is an American clan

{SAS} uk22 is a UK based clan

Completely different

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Not much to say, have you? After being adamant about banning hackers, your clan are hackers themselves. Ironic. The loudest of the admins demanding respect and having the right to ban on their servers are actually hackers. Figures.

Why would he, the clue is in the thread title [sAS] US700 != {SAS} UK22 ..

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Oh.. the penny has dropped (for me) I’ve got that clown on ignore since he decided to get a raging boner for me, anyway none of his posts show up for me hence why I was slightly confused that someone would confuse us.

Thinking about it though if anyone was going to make a fool of themselves on a public forum it was always going to be our friend BobJoeXXI.

BobJoeXXI, even though I won’t be able to read it I accept your apology for your unfounded allegations. As previously stated we don’t stand for cheating in our clan or on the server, end of.

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Come now though, its easy to see how the mistake could be made, wrong clan tags, wrong clan, wrong server, wrong country and wrong continent.

That said it probably wont make much difference to some people .............

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Come now though, its easy to see how the mistake could be made, wrong clan tags, wrong clan, wrong server, wrong country and wrong continent.

That said it probably wont make much difference to some people .............

I like how you made it look like someone just confused an elephant with an iguana.

Be reasonable. [sAS] looks almost exactly the fucking same as {SAS} and can easily be mistaken at a glance.

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Obviously sarcasm is not your strong point

If people would take more than 2 seconds and see three letters before the zoimg!!!111penguin haxxorzz and proof brigade and actually use their eyes and brain in a coordinated fashion they might have seen that it is a different server run by another (admittedly) similar named clan and refrain from slinging accusations with no substance (again)

but as I said above it probably wont make much difference to some people .............

Edited by {SAS}TB

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I like how you made it look like someone just confused an elephant with an iguana.

Be reasonable. [sAS] looks almost exactly the fucking same as {SAS} and can easily be mistaken at a glance.

However US 700 looks exactly the same as UK 22? Maybe read the thread title before jumping in half cocked, especially when flinging accusations around.

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