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Duration of night in game ?

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I just started to test for first time this game on yesterday evening, I spawned it was night. I tested multiple servers it was always at night. I tried again this morning, still the night in game... How could we sometimes see the sun in the game ?

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The time cycle ingame is the same as IRL. Server admins can however pick what time it is on server, but the game has a 24h day/night cycle. Lately because of desync's with the hive the time seems to be getting desync'd as well though, making time pass at only about half the speed. In short, keep looking, you're just getting unlucky. :P

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Depends what your looking for. youll allways find the opposite. I prefer night time because zombies wont hear/see you that fast. Players wont either, and youll be able to see if theres a player somewhere because alot of players throw flares everywhere.

No but, if you join a server around 1pm and play on a server in europe it will be day

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No but, if you join a server around 1pm and play on a server in europe it will be day

That's not entirely true as a server admin can change the time of the server to something different then the timezone it's in. I for example know of a few admins that run their server opposite to their timezone cause they like to play during the night mostly.

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On our server (UK8) We have the default day/night cycle, it starts getting dark around 8pm, pitch black by about 9/10pm, then the sun starts to rise around 4/5am.

At least Im pretty sure thats the default, admin hasnt said otherwise.

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