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new player, stuck on loading

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i just bought arma2 on steamsale and i cant seem to join any server it loads the hanger load screen afterwards it retrieves the mission list then it just gets stuck on a black screen loading for over 2hours now. i tryed just letting it do its thing for a while but its not progressing

i installed arma2 and the addon, updated it and let it run afterwards i installed six launcher and let it update till it was finished, did i do something wrong?

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maybe the server try a diff one make sure you are going on an uptodate server with your client . so make sure your latest patch is the same as the server your connecting too

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Do what Tinit said, but also keep in mind that this is a fairly common issue. I personally get stuck on loading like 50% of the time. If I get in a game once it'll work fine until i shut down the game and boot it up again next time, then I often get stuck on it again. I've heard some other people have this issue too.

Try to join a server that has like 10 ppl on it, no more. Then let it be stuck on loading for 1 min tops. If it doesn't work, close the game and try again. Give it like 4 or 5 tries just to be sure you're not just getting unlucky on a crashing client. ;x

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right now im trying to manualy patch my arma2 just to be sure im updated, ill try this out afterwards ill keap you informed on the progress

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*edit well ive tryed abouth 17 servers now including ones with 4+- people in it nothing seems to be working

also when i load arma reguarly all servers have a red x and tell me they require 1.61 while according to the thing above it i got that

did i just waste 15euro? :S

Edited by unknownuser

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wehn u first load it what does it say on the main menu ,bottom left what version ?

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how is that possible i updated to 95208 multiple times?

also all servers seem to be a green light exept any dayz server

Edited by unknownuser

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well i downloaded the six launcher and let it update, and it also gave me the option to enable both dayz expansions but i cannot run the beta neather located at C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta

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I'm having the same issue, doesn't sixlauncher just download DayZ for you?

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it seems that no matter what i try i cannot update my arma folder , when i run the updater as admin it just go's from 3% to 100%

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did you copy the arma 2 beta exe from that folder to the main folder? also whats your steam run perimeters ?

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Yea, Six Launcher SHOULD update both your beta patch and dayz, but I've read about many instances where Six Launcher doesn't work for some reason.

When you don't use SixLauncher you need to do a few extra things manually to make it all work though. Now this is how you would get it to work properly without sixlauncher:

- Install latest Beta

- Install DayZ

- You need top copy/cut the Addons folder from your Arma 2 folder to your Arma 2 OA folder.

- You need to copy Arma 2 OA/Expansion/beta/arma2oa.exe into your Arma 2 OA folder (replace the old file or rename the old file)


- Go to your steam library and rightclick Arma 2 OA, properties, edit launch settings, and put this in there: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca

- Run the game through steam and hopefully it'll work perfectly now. :P


- Then you need to make a shortcut to Arma 2 OA/arma2oa.exe

- Then you need to open the properties of this shortcut, and add this parameter behind the "target" field: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca

- Run the game through the shortcut and it should work.

I'm at work atm so I could be slightly off on some of the folder names, I did this by heart so. ;x

Edited by Hakultair
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Thanks for the detailed post Hakultair :). I'm going to try that now and see if it helps!

Will I have to search for servers by using the games default server search feature?

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Yes, you will, use the filter, and for mission type: dayz

That should make it only show DayZ servers.

Goodluck, hope you get it to work. :)

Edited by Hakultair

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well now i'm getting a compleat new error

Error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine

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ive been trying to get into dayz for over 8 hours now this is driving me insane, the above fix does nothing at all for me it stil gets stuck on the second loading screen but the dayz servers went from red to yellow

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I also have been having this problem on some servers seems I always get stuck on the last loading screen and usually wait about 5-10mins before closing the program and trying again.

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I'm having this problem as well now. I never had it before but I've had it for the last 2 days. I think it has something to do with Battleye as I can join non-BE servers instantly. I've uninstalled and re installed the game and it still doesn't work.

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my problem has been fixed after updating battleye to 1.165, aperently the top download for battleye is 1.164, why it is that will remain a question for me but seeming after fixing it my game worked perfectly,

keap replacing battleye folders till your game shows it as 1.165 instead of 1.164 it seemed to fix it for me but i have no idea which of the 4 folders is the correct one

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