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passworded servers possible cheat

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hello everyone,

i've just figured this out:

let's say i'm in a bandit clan (i'm not, but let's say i am). what if, one day, we decide to create our own server and lock it with a password, so no one else can play on it. now we are free to roam that server, and get the best weapons and equipment for ourselves.

now comes the cheating part. what if we stash all that loot in tents all over the coast, let's say 5 or 6 locations right next to the beach, around cherno and elktro and than go player hunting on the normal servers. if any of us dies, he just logs in on our passworded server, finds the nearest tent and stacks up, than reconnects on the server he just died on, with full gear.

is this cheating? i think it is and that's why there shouldn't be any passworded servers in dayz.

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A few are. I looked last night and found 5 official servers that was locked...

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express

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