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Telstra - Game Arena putting blame on Day Z admins

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As stated above the admins from Game Arena seem to think its a great idea to blame you guys for all the delays in setting up servers even though IPGN and others have managed to setup servers fine

Im making this post to shed some light on whats being said and so things can be cleared up and these horrid admins at game arena can stop using excuses and setup some servers for there customers

I refer to the follow post started by Matt aka Antipop


Can you guys please look into this asap contact them or reply in that thread so they can stop putting the blame on you

Many thanks and keep up the good work on day z great game

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Oh god its good to see another person fed up with GameArena staff.

I for one praise vitale's efforts and it looks like that GA thread has had a bit of activity today..........GA staff are rude as all hell and feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with them.

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I'm rude to people if they are consistently rude to me. People who are polite (or even just not quite so rude) get a professional reply.

There is no point posting here asking for help - we have a support ticket open that they'll get to when they get to it.

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Frankly, some of the GA Staff are indeed arrogant and rude.

Cant be said for all, but some... just dont deserve to be employed.

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I'm rude to people if they are consistently rude to me. People who are polite (or even just not quite so rude) get a professional reply.

There is no point posting here asking for help - we have a support ticket open that they'll get to when they get to it.

Funniest thing is i don't care if your rude you can straight out abuse me i couldn't care less but i would like some day z servers

Frankly, some of the GA Staff are indeed arrogant and rude.

Cant be said for all, but some... just dont deserve to be employed.

Does it even matter if there rude and arrogant if they got there shit together and got servers up as fast as everyone else they can say what ever they want and it wouldnt phase me id say good job

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Have you ever thought that maybe the GA guys are busy trying to sort out the DayZ servers, and just can't say why they are taking so long? Have you ever thought that maybe you aren't the only person wanting servers, and that maybe due to security risks or how the DayZ staff take forever to actually get back to people is slowing down the process?

Maybe you should get off your throne and try your hand at hosting a server, because it is a bloody hard job. Their servers will come when they come, just a matter of time and you should stop your bloody whining.

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Have you ever thought that maybe the GA guys are busy trying to sort out the DayZ servers, and just can't say why they are taking so long? Have you ever thought that maybe you aren't the only person wanting servers, and that maybe due to security risks or how the DayZ staff take forever to actually get back to people is slowing down the process?

Maybe you should get off your throne and try your hand at hosting a server, because it is a bloody hard job. Their servers will come when they come, just a matter of time and you should stop your bloody whining.

Cool story bro suck me

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Have you ever thought that maybe the GA guys are busy trying to sort out the DayZ servers, and just can't say why they are taking so long? Have you ever thought that maybe you aren't the only person wanting servers, and that maybe due to security risks or how the DayZ staff take forever to actually get back to people is slowing down the process?

Maybe you should get off your throne and try your hand at hosting a server, because it is a bloody hard job. Their servers will come when they come, just a matter of time and you should stop your bloody whining.

one, server hosting is not "bloody hard".

the dayz staff also gave them there skype details. if they can call them, why would there be a six day wait on information?..

two, there security protocols are pointless, and outdated. there are several things they could do to actually give access to a server. whether it be a vps, or a restricted account. both are quite easy to set up.

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one, server hosting is not "bloody hard".

the dayz staff also gave them there skype details. if they can call them, why would there be a six day wait on information?..

two, there security protocols are pointless, and outdated. there are several things they could do to actually give access to a server. whether it be a vps, or a restricted account. both are quite easy to set up.

ARMA2 is an abomination to host in a commercial environment, but that's not really the problem. I can work around it. (I'm only posting here because I'm waiting for files to move around the network because ArmA2's patching system is horrible).

Do you really think that you can get good performance for a DayZ server in a VPS?

Restricted accounts also aren't possible (or even useful) with our datacentre. We aren't just some random company with a couple of co-located servers. There is a price to pay to be able to offer gamers on Australia's biggest ISP unmetered usage of servers connected to the internet via gigabit ethernet.

Even then, the DayZ team removed the requirements that we give them direct access, so that isn't a problem anymore. That took far too long, but its done.

Now we have to wait in the queue with everyone else for server instances to be allocated to us. I can't just start up 20 DayZ servers, I have to apply for an instance ID to be allocated for each server. That took 6 days last time. Nothing was going to make that go more quickly - the DayZ team members who contacted me (thanks guys!) told me to put in an application like anyone else. I didn't come right out and ask for preferential treatment, and they didn't offer any, so I waited in the queue with everyone else. When I logged the request I heard that it was 10 days to get an instance, but we got it in 6!

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